Friday, January 9, 2015


Posted:  9 Jan 14

"The 'approved plant list' is a guide for residents, and particularly developers, in Pittsburg to choose trees that are not problematic and that thrive in our community." 
-- Don Buchanan, Director, Parks and Maintenance

Many thanks to Mr. Buchanan for his wonderful cooperation in getting this very interesting material to us.

Wanting to get to know as much as I can about my hometown, I was beginning to wonder about the flora and fauna -- which is being maintained so expertly and sensibly.  

What is there that is worth knowing and noticing about these objects which adorn our surroundings?

With the Wikipedia blessing mere mouse-clicks away, it will be easy to systematically explore each and every plant.  (Nice hobby, too, I would imagine)

As I proceed along the path of discovery, workload permitting, I will hyperlink each of the following plants -- to the appropriate Wikipedia article -- as I review each one.  This will have to be a gradual process.  But, I may as well take you with me as I explore (smile).   

If someone were willing to do this hyper-linking for us, 
I would be grateful for the help and would publish your work, gladly.

David Nelson

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