Thursday, July 24, 2014


Posted:  24 Jul 14

1.  Purpose

To complete this chapter in the saga of the birth of a "Civic Mentor" system; to share lessons learned, for those who might benefit; to restore my serenity; and to get back to accelerating this project -- even more determined than before -- if that's possible.

By now, you must know, I'm not afraid to open my heart to you -- I trust you.  I'm trying hard to bring more trust into our world -- and to materially increase the reasons for being more trusting.  Better to live what I profess than suffer the ego-blows of hypocrisy and cowardice.

2.  Background

a.  Well, last night, I was interviewed, as announced in the bulletin, entitled: "THE CIVIC MENTOR -- ON THE RADIO (#3) -- 7/23/14/ 6pm /PST."

b.  In my long life, this was a novel experience.  As you know, I write extensively and am reasonably competent in that area.  I'm also totally comfortable and enjoy speaking (when prepared) before an audience -- have been that way for years.  But, when it's an audience one can't see -- within tight time-frames -- on topics of immense complexity and import -- well, that's a different story.

c.  Now, I think I see how to properly prepare.  The unexpected is now less of a mystery.  It's nothing like composing and developing a written work -- gotta remember that.  I now have a better idea of where my skills lie, on a scale of 1-to-10.  The goals and procedures are now much clearer.  I now seem to recall seeing the professionals limbering up, first -- doing vocal exercises.  GETTING USED TO HEARING THEIR OWN VOICES.  Modulating things.  And, I need to keep a CLOCK on my desk -- not rely on all the computers -- which I kept otherwise occupied.

d.  I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS GOOGLE SEARCH ahead of time (instead of just now): "How to do a radio interview."  I certainly SHALL, next time.  What a wealth of info there is, of course.  People are so good to share such things with us.  Didn't think of it.  Too busy revising the main bulletin which is to plug-into and support the fledgling Civic Mentor / NATIONAL System-Element -- and to support a lot of other subsystems, as well


BLUSH! WOW!  Sleepless night.  Grumpy mood this morning.  Starting to feel better by this writing.

a.  What an important experience. But I'm afraid I dropped that ball.  I don't see that I have encouraged more people to consider the bulletin -- one I feel to be so crucially important to you, -- to ALL of us fellow humans.  And that's a sad shame.  (You know, the bulletin I keep endlessly refining and pushing under your noses, entitled -- "A BRAND NEW DARK AGE (#56) == IF the United States Had LOST Her Civil War.")

b.  To listen to that tape, it sounds as if I hadn't done the years of thorough research and careful consideration that I have so fully and truly invested.  But, when it comes down to it, THAT SHOULDN'T MATTER.  The essay isn't something that needs a lot of footnotes.  I deliberately designed it that way.  It's PLENTY AUTHORITATIVE.

c.  Everything factual in that crucial "Civil War and Constitutional Partnership" bulletin, I have very good reason to believe, is well-established, easily verified  -- in the public record -- and self-defensible.  The rest is my best reasoning -- such that it is -- rolling-in a lifetime of education, training, intensely-interested research, and rich exposures.

d.  How I assemble those facts and draw my conclusions are wide open to anyone's inspection and evaluation.  That, I believe is sufficient authority for you to decide whether or not your confidence is justified.  The essay is meant to stand on its own -- regardless of author.


e.  As I just said, at least now I can see where I need to do a whole lot of work on my extemporaneous speaking -- in this, my first ever interview. It's nothing like composing and developing a written work -- gotta remember that.

f.  An entirely different skill-set than standing before an audience you can see. Mind was so full, even with preparation, that I couldn't make my mouth keep up with my brain. Trying to watch the clock. Trying to compress something so vast. To not disrupt the host's plans.  Started to innovate on carefully prepared, written thoughts, years in the thinking, weeks in the writing. I wish I could edit spoken words as easily as I can written. So much I meant to say -- so much I wish I hadn't -- so much I thought I had, but didn't. Like listening to a stranger.


g.  I'll do better next time -- and even better after that -- and so on. Life is a learning experience...and practice makes perfect -- that's for sure. Gonna get right back on this bicycle.

h.  Thankfully, I was in the hands of a fine host -- and a friend -- Codis Hampton II -- of Pittsburg, CA -- a valued source of strength and support.  I'm so grateful to have had yet another opportunity to learn something about myself and where I need improvement -- albeit so publicly (blush, again). I can work with that -- and for this mission, I have to. No other choice that I can live with.  Giving up is NOT an option.

And so, onward and upward.  The chain-reaction continues...

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

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