Sunday, May 26, 2013

City of Pittsburg: 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (2012 - 2017)

Posted:  26 May 13

City of Pittsburg
5-Year Capital Improvement Program
(2012 - 2017)


To publicize information concerning City of Pittsburg capital improvement efforts.  This captures the information from the City website and presents it here, for your convenience.

1.  The City of Pittsburg's 5-Year Capital Improvement Program

  • is a multi year planning instrument for the construction of new and expansion, rehabilitation, or replacement of existing City owned assets. 
  • The 5-Year CIP is used by City Staff as a guide for project prioritization to accomplish community goals. 
  • The Program is updated annually to allow for projects that have been completed, changing priorities, new priorities, and funding availability.

2.  The 5-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 through 2016/2017 includes various projects for the benefit of the Citizens of Pittsburg.

3.  Each of the projects meets some or all of the following criteria:

  • Elimination of potentially hazardous or unsafe conditions and potential liabilities 
  • Replacement of high maintenance and inefficient/ineffective infrastructure 
  • Improvement to and/or creation of new services to the Public 
  • Outside agency regulatory requirements and mandates 
  • Stimulation of the local economy/eliminate blighted conditions 
  • Compliance with the City of Pittsburg General Plan 
  • Preservation of existing assets

4.  The schedule for Capital Improvement Projects

  • is based on available funding, public benefit, and funding restrictions. 
  • The project schedule is updated annually with the annual 5-Year Program update.

(please allow extra time for PDF's to load)

Select one of the following Capital Improvement Program Categories for information about projects included in the current 5-Year Capital Improvement Program.  To load the following documents, please use the links on the original article.

  1. Street Projects [PDF]
  2. Storm Drain Projects [PDF]
  3. Signal Projects [PDF]
  4. Building Projects [PDF]
  5. Water Projects [PDF]
  6. Park Projects [PDF]
  7. Sewer Projects [PDF]
  8. General Projects [PDF]

Please note that not all projects currently have funding available for design or construction. Please view the Capital Improvement Project Status [PDF] link for information on currently active projects.

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