Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Here is an example of information you can get from the site, via email newsletter.  I only post selected newsletter articles here on this blog, from time to time.  To get all of them, consider subscribing to  (Or use articles like this to remind you to browse there, periodically -- as sort of a doorway into that special world).

Buy or Refinance Your Home with $0 Down and No PMI. Request Information from Qualified Lenders Now.
Military.comVA Home Loan Benefit
The $417,000 VA Loan Benefit can be used to Buy or Refinance and is available to active duty, guard or reserve, retirees, veterans and military spouses.

Mortgage rates are at all time lows. Act now to:

  Buy a Home with $0 Down
  Refinance to Lower Monthly Payments
  Pay off Higher-interest Balances
  Lock in Historic Low Rates

How much could you save each month with a low interest rate? Request Information From Lenders Today
Search for Lenders Today

1 comment:

  1. A VA home loan certainly comes with multiple benefits that other kinds of home loans simply don't offer such as zero down payment and no PMI. It's the foremost choice for veterans and qualified borrowers when buying a home.
