Wednesday, October 17, 2012

GREAT NEWS!! Pittsburg Public Schools Success!

Dr William Wong,
Board of Trustees
Pittsburg Unified School District

17 September 2012

Pittsburg increasing student achievement!

1.  As a school board member of the Pittsburg Unified School District, it is my pleasure to announce that Pittsburg schools are increasing student achievement every year. 

2.  This year, four elementary schools have exceeded the mandated California-established goal of at least 800 on the Academic Performance Index (API)

3.  The API is a single number that reflects levels of achievement in Reading and Math for students in grades 2-11, in public schools in California. 

4.  California has set an expectation for all schools to reach 800 by 2014. 

5.  This standard represents high levels of achievement by most of the students in a school. 

6.  The four new elementary schools this year are: 

  • Foothill Elementary School (825 API Score)
  • Heights Elementary School (804)
  • Parkside Elementary School (815) 
  • Stoneman Elementary School (815)
  • These schools join Los Medanos which reached 800 several years ago and is currently scoring at 860. 
  • Marina Vista Elementary School is at 764 and is expected to reach 800 by 2014. 

7.  For more information about API scores, visit the California State Department of Education at "" 
[This Wikipedia article also pertains -- Editor]


Congratulations to the teachers, parents, students, and staff for these very important accomplishments!!

The Editor

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