Wednesday, July 4, 2012


What's going to happen, 
within our territory, 
to help celebrate the 

FIREWORKS IN TOWN:  The City of Pittsburg will not have a public fireworks display  -- AND, LET'S ALL SINCERELY HOPE THERE WON'T BE ANY PRIVATE, AMATEUR ONES, EITHER!!!  Roofs and lawns and unwary people are often known to burn when ignited.

FIREWORKS ALL OVER THE PLACE:  Here's what The Contra Costa Times says about the day's goings-on. (a Google search).  And, here's what Google, itself, says about the doings in the Bay Area


FIREWORKS IN SPORTS:   The G-people, again. Who else?

Please remember:
  • THAT Consumer Fireworks are illegal for very sound REASONS -- born of profoundly heart-breaking experiences -- which have damaged or destroyed -- real people and other valuable things;
  • THAT the conditions are PERFECT for creating BRAND NEW tragedies to lament:   (1) It's hot.   (2)  It's dry.   (3)  There is much super-fuel from all the brown, dead vegetation -- on lawns, streets and hills.   (4)  Buildings and other things (including people) often burn very efficiently.    (5)  Overly busy fire departments, on ever-tightening budgets have plenty to do already and would not be amused by yet more inconvenient challenges.   (6)  It's so unpleasant to suddenly have to find another place to stay -- and safely store whatever remains of one's stuff -- especially, if it involves pain, hospitals, or more permanent accommodations.
  • THAT children (of all ages) don't necessarily know what the "no-no's" are, automatically.  These things often have to be made clear to them, quite deliberately -- for this is all far too dangerous (and expensive) to leave to chance, poor example, or lax enforcement of the rules.  Anyone detecting illegal fireworks should call 911 to trigger a police response. (As more citizens complain, it RAISES "POLICE-RESPONSE" priorities and SPEEDS THINGS UP!!!)
  • THAT innocent people, trying to mind their own business, are often the ones who have to suddenly pay for another's thoughtless or deliberate acts -- and that such a thing still is not very sporting.
  • THAT a tragedy can forever change a joyous, national event -- transforming things, such that each subsequent July 4th is virtually guaranteed to be draped with profoundest sorrow and viewed with deepest dread.  There should only be room for great joy -- on the anniversary of the day when humankind gained -- such an ENORMOUS ADVANTAGE in this life -- still not all that long ago. (In the great scheme of things, less than two and a half centuries is a fraction of a heart-beat.)
  • THAT things need not turn out badly, AT ALL.  Everyone simply must realize that our entire great human existence is such a chain-reaction -- one good or bad act can really, really  energize or spoil the whole thing -- or affect a big enough part of it, so as to matter, deeply.  

It's serious business insuring that life remains a fun thing to have, keep, and make the most of -- and which doesn't end prematurely or inconveniently.

Let's make the 236th Anniversary of the "Day Everything Changed" the best one ever (and maximize our chances of seeing the 237th one)!

Tags: "Fire, Fireworks, 4th of July, Holidays"

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