Sunday, July 1, 2012

HELP: Need Special Access? FREE PHONES

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Dear Readers,

Just heard about this wonderful government program on the TV.  This link takes to you full information, of course, but in case you wanted a quick glance at what's up, here's an excerpt from their "About" page.

Specialized Phones

Every day, specialized California Phones from the California Telephone Access Program (CTAP) enable over half a million Californians to stay connected.

There's a California Phone for every need. For example, there are amplified phones that make it easier to hear conversations. Big button phones that are easier to dial. Phones with lights that flash for incoming calls. Convenient portable phones – and more. We also offer phones that are specially designed for individuals with more significant disabilities.

California Phones are available to all eligible California residents. Individuals can receive free phone equipment with certification by a medical doctor, a licensed audiologist, a qualified state agency, or a hearing aid dispenser.

About Us

CTAP is a program of the California Public Utilities Commission Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program.

The program is funded by a small surcharge that appears on all telephone bills in California. This surcharge appears on your phone bill as "CA Relay Service and Communications Devices Fund."

The California Public Utilities Commission administers CTAP, as well as the California Relay Service, under the umbrella of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program.

For more information, please visit

Tag: "Human Crises"

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