Sunday, January 1, 2012

POWER TO THE PEOPLE: Come, let us reason together ******************

Posted:  1 Jan 12

Dear Readers,

I know this formatting may take some getting used to.  It is in this form, for the time being, for technical reasons.  To make this document easier to deal with, I suggest that you do a quick, scrolling scan of the entire thing -- so you'll be familiar with the "lay of the land" -- rather than being surprised and distracted by every curiously formatted line.  This is something, I think, best read like a map, where you FIRST glance at the whole landscape and then close in on the details that define it, SECONDLY.

For What It Is!

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing" -- Steven R. Covey


There's a whole lot more to the following simple life-governing principle than meets the eye!  The following is the philosophical thread and thrust which ultimately explains, vindicates, directs, and drives this blog -- and which affords a logical, internally-consistent framework upon which to base the design of practical "entire life-time management systems (elms)," presently underway.

LIFE-PRINCIPLE: "EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING NEEDS MUCH HELP IN ORDER TO FULFILL THEIR BEST CHANCES IN THIS LIFE." (In other words, in order to survive and prosper, AT ALL, we need each other, undeniably)

CENTRAL ARGUMENT: The VOLUNTARY EXCHANGE of "Help" Serves Us All -- Brilliantly.  

     For This is How Things Are "Supposed" to Work Among Humans. 
     We're not supposed to go it alone. 
     And, the attempt to do so is a sure path to personal and collective disaster.

     Everyone Deserves a Turn at Appealing for Help, as Often as Necessary and Sufficient,
     And, The Stakes Couldn't Be Higher, for All, in The Doing and the Giving!

SECONDARY ARGUMENT:  Our Nation is the Great Source (or Conduit or Catalyst) of Goodness, 

   Without Which, WE ARE ALL HELPLESS.  
     Helping One Another Helps to Keep a Priceless Heritage On Its Best Trajectory
     Perhaps, this is what it truly means to be "United."

CONCLUSION:  Therefore, to Find and Promote "Optimal" Personal and Societal Productivity and Happiness (a very good thing to do)

   Always and Unashamedly:
          (1)  Seek Necessary and Sufficient Help (easily overlooked),
          (2)  Accept It (deceptively simple), 
          (3)  Use It (else, what's the point), 
          (4)  CHEERFULLY Pay it Forward, Backward, 
                Sideways, Upward, and Downward (else a good process stops).
          (5)  Thereby, Spreading It Far and Wide 
                (which increases the velocity of favorable change throughout the entire world).

IMPLICATION:  To Not Do So is a Grave and Costly Error!!  

    There is NO SECOND CHANCE 

    to re-live or re-do an entire human lifespan. 

EXECUTION:  This Blog Is a Preliminary Step for Building Increasingly Powerful "Self-Help Systems" (Personal Mentors) For and With the People of the City and Far Beyond -- It is the next logical move in an entire progression of logic, which flows and leads and empowers, from this starting point, to the full production of "entire life-time management systems (elms)," of a kind which are internally consistent in design and function, theoretically secure, practical in application, and which appeals to, and conforms with, human nature.

The Internet has changed the whole ball game!!!

        Using This Blog as One "Golden Key"
1.  HOW TO USE The "Gold Mine" at Our Fingertips --
        (The Government -- A Gift That Keeps Giving)
2.  Overcoming Your Reluctance --
2.1  Waste Not, Want Not
2.2  Paying it Forward
2.3  We All Survive and Prosper Better When We Help One Another
3.  Trust Your Intuition & Reason --
3.1  "Help" Starts With Our Nature and Flows From Our Freedoms
3.2  Accepting "Help" Works Because the Only Alternative is Insanity
3.3  Giving "Help" Works Because it is a "Force Multiplier"
3.4  A Familiar Example... Reconsidered
         3.5  THE "ANONYMOUS" GOOD ACT
4.  Boiling it All Down --
4.2  The Tie That Binds Us
4.3  While Perfection is an Ideal to Faithfully Pursue, It is Never a Reality
4.4  The Indispensability of the INDIVIDUAL Human Being
4.5  The Shining City on the Hill
5.  No One is an Island, Unto Themselves --

6.  We Are The Ones Writing This Chapter of Human History --




    If anyone of us is having trouble overcoming the various obstacles life is forever dropping on our paths -- and we all do, from time to time -- it's absolutely glorious to know that a lot of willing help is out there -- much of it already bought and paid for -- to show us ways around those obstacles (in virtually EVERY area of human concern) or to join with us in pushing them aside -- just waiting for us to ask, accept, and "jump through the necessary hoops."
     Once aware, we can usually "unlock" that help without much difficulty -- and will most likely know exactly what to do with it, when received -- and if we don't know how to use the help, there's even help to overcome those doubts.  

     And more helpful "change-agents" are being introduced, every day -- because that's just the way sane human beings are -- we can't avoid this rational and compassionate aspect of our natures, for long -- even if we would -- for it is, very much, a matter of self-preservation, that excludes no one.

  • We were born into a world that was already running, long before we ever appeared, and it will likely continue to do so, long after we are gone.  
  • And, because so many good, rational people pass through, we inherit an accumulation of benefits, bought and paid for with their risk-filled efforts and sacrifices -- often, at unfathomably high cost.  
  • But, because life means growth and change, the work never ends.  
  • And, because the price is still being paid, as things about this world inevitably change (or remain the same), the benefits continue to accrue -- and hopefully, do so at a faster pace than the inevitable problems that must be overcome, along the way.   
THIS WORLD is ever more complicated as more and more useful AND hazardous things fill it with overwhelming circumstance.  
  • And facing down such complexity is a task that cannot and should not be seriously attempted alone, without the help of many, many others, as will be explained. 
  • Whether "rich" or "poor" we are all interdependent.
  • So, never lose heart -- for more help is on the way -- if you know where to look for it (we'll even help you look, if you'll let us) -- and then seize it.


The Government -- A Gift that Keeps Giving. 

Take a look at the constantly changing "Quick Access Linkspage in this blog.  Click the various links and explore where they take you.  Think of some problem, any problem, you'd like to have addressed, then set out on the following "mining" expedition:
  • Try starting at the top of the "food-chain," with The Presidency.  There, you will find general answers AND specific leads that allow you to "drill down" into the host of invaluable government services, linked to the Presidential site, and to which we are each entitled.  
  • Now, drill down through the U.S. Congressional / California Delegation and see all the specific and general "constituent services" our Senators and Representatives offer to help make our lives better, personally and collectively. 
  • Don't stop there.  Keep drilling down through the State, County and Local Levels and see how their never-ending battle for the public good also leads to our very doorsteps -- as they tell us, their constituency, how they are serving and what they are willing and able to do, even further ...
  • ALL TO HELP US!!  This is surely the primary reason these magnanimous souls, our best and brightest, chose to be there ... rather than someplace else... for it gives their lives what we all want -- great meaning -- and this is why we have entrusted them with such power.  
  • OUR SYSTEM, our orderly way of doing things, our future, has been hard-won, and is safely in the hands of people -- in and outside of government -- who are doing their considerable best -- under rapidly changing, extremely difficult circumstances.
  • There's "gold in those hills," just waiting to be mined and re-invested to yield the better days we crave -- and we are each bonafide, certified, equal shareholders.  Excellent!
And this doesn't begin to mention the wealth of support, not yet included in this blog, which is available through the vast multitude of non-governmental sources, that exist to lift us up and keep us there.  But, they will ALL find their way here, in time.



    2.1  Waste Not, Want Not.  
    It would be a tragic waste to go it alone, when it was all so totally unnecessary to do so.  What a setback for all of us, when any one of us stumbles and falls behind in "the race of life."  
    • There is nothing unmanly or unwomanly in admitting that we could use help.  
    • Virtually, any significant thing we ever need to do, can usually be done far better, with a helping hand.  
    • And, isn't that the name of the game?  To do the best we can and not waste a single second or ounce of precious energy, unnecessarily?  
    • I have long considered, tested, and been unable to deny what I first heard, at my mother's knee -- "No Man is an Island Unto Himself!"  As usual, I couldn't win an important argument with her.  Sadly, long gone, she is still helping me fight my battles.

    2.2  Paying it Forward.  
    And, once you understand the "lay of this giving-land" -- spread the word so others will know, too.  
    • Even if you're one of the "lucky" ones who "believes" they are totally self-sufficient, you can link the information to those you meet, who are not so fortunate.  
    • By lifting others, we automatically and undeniably lift our own selves, as well.  After all, our "fleet of boats" shares the same great "ocean" we call life, heading toward the same general destination -- and much depends on the fleet with whom we sail.  
    • It's most sensible, among all the possible options, to make this irresistible journey the most happy and productive one it can be, for all concerned, since we only get ONE SHOT at everything on this side of life.  The only alternative is to waste the priceless and irreplaceable.  As Socrates said: "The unexamined life is a wasted life -- not worth living."
    • And, consider the payoff when one more person is helped to fulfill some great purpose in life -- a payoff likely to far exceed any investment cost.  
    • With the creation of another fulfilled human being, society has been well-served, yet again.  And, if a great purpose has truly been fulfilled, the tide will have risen by another increment --  for us all.

    2.3  We All Survive and Prosper Better When We Help One Another.  

    It can be argued that the greatest rewards in this life are the ones gained through service to others.  And, it also seems quite true, that our happiest moments are those spent seeing to the happiness of others.
    • As a general rulethe greater the service, the higher the reward -- and the best service seems to come from the heart.  
    • And this magnificent land, through its blessed people and it's ingenious way of doing things, has a whole lot of heart.  Why else would we cherish it all so? 
    • From the most benign government on earth, to the largest corporation, to the smallest at-home business, to the "ordinary" citizen, all trying to maximize their concept of the good -- service is being rendered -- in exchange for the tangible and intangible rewards to be found in the public marketplace.  
    • A pretty fair arrangement, I say -- especially, when you consider the sad alternatives that are still so abundant in this world -- until we finally fix them all -- and we shall -- for our understanding, power, and will to do so are growing by leaps and bounds, every day.  
    2.4  Behold Our Species as it MATURES!  
    Since HUMANKIND'S problems are not infinite, they CAN be completely inventoried and ALL addressed, methodically.  And, to not do so, when we now can (and thus, must), is not in our logical natures.  Just imagine the possibilities for our species WHEN we make this happen -- and WE SHALL --- to do otherwise wouldn't be, well, human.
      • More and faster than ever before, human genius is making it increasingly easy to talk and, thus, reason together -- thereby consolidating ourselves into one great human mind and spirit 
      • Finally, we will be able to drastically reduce the waste of human power needed to fulfill the greatest of human promise -- that of a unified entity reaching for the stars -- and the "infinite" resources to be found there -- with enough concentrated power to discover and ameloriate universal hazards -- so as to assure the best chances for the continuation of the species -- under all foreseeable circumstances.
      • Finally, the harsh, historic reality of "human interpersonal fragmentation" -- due to lack of an instant means for deep, wide-spread, and prolonged communications -- can begin to be overcome.  The dilution of human potential is being seriously reversed by its increasing, inevitable consolidation.
      • Finally, and more and more, people can easily delve into deeper levels of conversation (i.e, the sharing of mind, purpose, and spirit), with many others -- leading to more and more sensible, deliberate actions taken, for the common good -- and sustaining this process more reliably.  And, because they CAN do this, they WILL.  For there is much wisdom in the collective mind and a strong, natural drive to develop it further, once stimulated.   
      • If people can TALK together, conveniently, they can REASON together, more fully and wisely.  And, because they are human, they CAN'T HELP BUT REASON with others, given CONVENIENT opportunities  to do so.    Since there is always much else that an individual needs to be doing -- at almost the very same time -- convenience is a MUST, and this is the great gift now in our hands. 
      • Besides families, NEIGHBORS (a very special class of friend) tend to be the most convenient and relevant humans with whom to perform combined and sustained reasoning processes.
      • A BRAND NEW AGE of unparalleled social cooperation and voluntary coordination, consistent with our prized freedoms, can now, at long last, emerge -- thanks to TECHNOLOGY combined with GOOD SENSE AND WILL.


        3.1  "Help" All Starts With Our Nature and Flows From Our Freedoms.  
        When human beings are able to operate, in relative freedom from want, their better natures are allowed to shine forth -- and bring more beauty and reason into a world that so desperately needs and wants more and more of these blessings.
        • That's one of the things that makes this country so grand -- for, over its relatively brief existence, it has worked out so many ways to allow and enable the good to break through -- more often than not.   
        • Of course, there's much more left to do -- probably always will be -- adding so much meaning to this amazing life-adventure.  
        • And now, the duty has fallen to us, the contemporary tenants -- to do our best for ourselves and the next generations -- at least no less than what previous generations have done their best to leave to us.  
        • If we don't continue the work, then who will?  If not now, then when?  America is, perhaps, the greatest barrier humanity has, against a dreadful fall and passage through another dark age. 
        • We were born to add luster to this "star-jewel" in the "human crown" -- THE UNITED STATES -- one of humankind's greatest consummations, ever!  The next generations will not thank us, if we withhold from them the blessings we've inherited -- or if we pass these along, diminished or unchanged, rather than enhanced 
        • They will rightfully resent it, if we fail to fully protect, preserve, and further refine the great source of goodness we call our nation -- without which, we are all HELPLESS.

        3.2  ACCEPTING "Help" Works Because The Only Alternative Is Insanity.  
        Why does goodness tend to break through, when conditions permit?  I think it's because, people who are rational (and, thankfully, most of us are) know, instinctively and logically, that it's better this way.
        • When any one of us is able to fulfill all the GOOD that we are truly capable of achieving -- with the tiny allotment of time and genius we each have been granted -- then it seems so obvious that everyone is likely to win, to some degree -- more often than not.  
        • Conversely, if we don't each fulfill our particular "assigned"(?) mission -- we ALL lose out on what could have been -- and that is always a sad and expensive spectacle to imagine, if not see.  
        • At times, we need all the help we can get.  To not seek and take it, when it applies, is not rational -- i.e. it is insane.

        3.3  GIVING "Help" Works Because it is a "Force Multiplier."  
        So, in principle, helping just one other human being achieve their best purposes in life, helps the whole, expanding chain of human souls connected to that one soul.  
        • It may be true that the farther it gets from the source, the weaker the good-act's influence must become, or at least the harder it will be to recognize.  
        • But, perhaps not.  I think it all depends on the specifics of each case.  
        • A particularly powerful good-act can surely pass a long way, bettering lots things, before its impact becomes negligible.  
        • And, in any case, we can be certain that it is a better ingredient to add than to leave out.  
        • And we can always send more goodness -- yet another multiplier -- to favorably affect things, along its merry way, to the farthest reaches of its power.

        3.4  A FAMILIAR EXAMPLE ... Reconsidered

        Take the more HELPFUL e-mails that flow through our in-boxes.  You know, the "good" ones that show us useful things we may have forgotten or never known.  

             (1)  A single message might induce some favorable change for us  (small or large) -- such that we feel moved to share it with others -- who then feel moved to do the same -- on and on.  Have you ever wondered how far your decision to click "send" (on good, reliable material) reaches outward -- changing other lives, for the better?

             (2)  I suspect that each forwarded "good-message" moves ever-outward through the human-chain for a very long time and a very great distance -- each a gentle outwardly-radiating ripple -- another helpful "nudge" on the way of things.  

        Messages you forwarded months ago, may still be ricocheting through the wider human network, even now -- helping others unlock better chances for themselves -- almost anywhere at all.  

             (3)  Wouldn't it be fascinating to see exactly how things are turning out, because of your simple good act?  To see what is happening, this very instant?    But, alas, it is the way of things that we may never know.  Still, we can be pretty certain that, because you performed your vital "human-linking" function, you have increased the inventory of good in our world and times -- with a single simple decision and keypress.  


        In many cases, your consciousness of the goodness of an act, itself, may be your only reward -- and is quite sufficient, if you choose to see it that way.  One can even derive great pleasure in the purity of rendering good service, selflessly -- of which no one may ever become aware -- simply because it is a very sensible thing to be doing to OUR great "human chain-reaction."

        • "For what goes around, often seems to comes back around." (though this need not be the prime motive) 
        • But if it does seem to return, it may be in another form, and almost always will work to increase your power to do even more to enlarge the world's goodness-inventory. 
        • It's as if a great chain-reaction were at work.  
        • And, in fact, a "MIGHTY CHAIN-REACTION" IS in play, everywhere ...



        It seems true, at least to me, 
        that all human existence can be said to be 
        ONE single, huge, and mighty chain-reaction, 
        • which began long before the very FIRST human beings ever existed;
        • which passes onward through our interconnectedness;
        • relentlessly empowering and driving our great species ever-forward;
        • into a vast, unknowable future; 
        • only to come to rest during the final days that remain to the very LAST of us...
        AND, EVEN THEN
        -- it will have made a difference; 
        -- it will all have been for something;

        even if it was just to show that the great human "experiment," this most fortunate adventure, could yield a truly remarkable result.

        4.2  THE TIE THAT BINDS US
        If it is so, that our bonds to each other are unbreakable, then it logically follows that we are all inextricably interconnected with the past and future of our species, as well as with the ever-moving now.
        • We all stand on the shoulders of those who came before and those who now exist (which is us) ...
        • building on the advantages all these many existences have produced and are producing for us ...
        • and enabling us to reach ever higher and farther ...
        • and do so much, which would have been completely impossible, even unthinkable, to otherwise do;
        • and enabling this cycle to be endlessly repeated to increasingly elevate the long parade of the generations.
          • Still the good outweighs the bad in this world, and it's continual enhancement is about as close as we can come to perfection.
          • And this preponderance -- of the good -- will continue to outweigh -- for every generation -- as long as freedom persists;
          • For great good stems from the rational nature of the SANE and FREE human being -- who will always pursue the BEST alternative, under the circumstances, as they understand them.
          • For it is UNDENIABLE that more of us are sane, than not -- and this will probably ALWAYS BE SO.
          • Long live the GOOD and the FREEDOM to be so!!!

          Consequently, I believe this must lead us to conclude that our insiginificant, individual selves are not so insignificant, after all. 

          • It is undeniably true that EVERYONE MATTERS, importantly.  
          • For, the human world AND THE GREAT CHAIN-REACTION (with which we are all integral) -- would be far different (for better or for worse) -- than it would otherwise be -- had any one of us never come to be -- to affect the delicate balance of power in life, as we do.  
          • In this sense, at least, every human success and failure strengthens or weakens the whole thing -- but never, never leaves it alone -- "neutral" is inconceivable in this case.
          • Truly, one person, with the will and determination, can CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THE MUCH BETTER --  may it ALWAYS be that way, rather than for the worse.  
          • In fact, (at least I believe that) everyone changes the world, anyway, for better or not, even without trying to -- but favorable change, deliberately brought about, is the superior alternative to random, unpredictably chaotic chance, by far.
            4.5   THE SHINING CITY ON THE HILL

            By wisely employing what others are willing to do for us -- and by widely sharing what we can do for others -- conditions must surely improve, for all, rather than not 

            • and we will leave behind a world, in far better shape than we found it.
            • And that is a very good thing to do -- without a doubt -- as all future humans will surely wholeheartedly agree.  

            I CAN'T THINK OF A BETTER WAY to experience the full blessings of this life, in this favored land, strengthening ourselves to do more of the same for the rest of our magnificent world -- and proudly account for what we made of the whole thing.


            5.  NO ONE IS AN ISLAND, unto themselves

            In other words, ask for help (wherever you can find it), take it, use it, and "pay it forward."  By helping yourself, a stronger you will help the entire chain-reaction, sooner or later.

            Exchanging help seems our best, perhaps only, chance to make all the favorable differences we most need and desire to make in the seconds, days, and years remaining to each of us.



            ... this is OUR time ... OUR turn... the ONLY chance we can be absolutely SURE we have. Though it is certainly HUMAN to hope for EVEN more -- and to even firmly BELIEVE that more is within our grasp -- it seems WISEST to "presume" that (i.e., act as if) we will get NO SECOND CHANCE to WIN this particular game -- even if our nature leads many to hope otherwise.  

            A "now or never" doctrine seems a sensible way to approach life, in absence of perfect information to the contrary.


            IN OTHER WORDS

            1. If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it.2. If you don't ask, the answer will always be no.3. If you don't step forward, you will always be in the same spot.
            So go for what you want, ask questions, and take that one step forward... because you never know where it might lead.

            This is all an approximation of the things I think I have learned of life, so far.  It's the way things roughly look from where I stand.  And, like most everything else, there is always a risk that words and ideas and data will be handled imperfectly.  But, perfection is not the main thing ... PURSUIT of it is.  And "the main thing, is [always] to keep the main thing the main thing."

            David Nelson

            Tags: "Philosophy," "MENTOR"

            All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprise / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as its free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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