Tuesday, September 27, 2011

City of Pittsburg: Spare the Air Day!

Spare the Air Day!
Date: 9/28/2011 7:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 is a Spare the Air Day in the San Francisco Bay Area. Concentrations of ground-level ozone pollution are forecast to be unhealthy on this day. Hot temperatures and light winds will combine to produce poor air quality for the Bay Area.
To help prevent smog, please:
 -  Carpool or vanpool with friends or co-workers
 - Take public transportation
 - Telecommute -- work from home instead of driving to work
 -  Link necessary trips and postpone errands if possible
To plan your commute online, visit 511.org.
To monitor current air quality conditions, visit http://www.sparetheair.org
Visit the Apple App Store to download the FREE Spare the Air iPhone application for alert notifications, local air quality forecasts, podcasts and several tools to help reduce air pollution!
This AirAlert is provided by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Thank you for doing your part to Spare the Air!

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