Thursday, July 31, 2014

Pittsburg: BIG CITY-WIDE PARTY!! 8/5/14 / TUE / 5 to 8 pm

31ST Annual NATIONAL NIGHT OUT - Tues, August 5
Posted Date: 7/23/2014
31st Annual

City of Pittsburg: Tonight's Culinary Crawl is SOLD OUT!

Tonight's Culinary Crawl is SOLD OUT!
Posted Date: 7/31/2014

Tonight's Culinary Crawl is SOLD OUT!

WOW! Thank you to all who have purchased their tickets for tonight's Pittsburg Culinary Crawl with EJ Phair as host! We are sold out with 200 tickets sold! If you purchased your tickets in advance, we will see you tonight! If not,

Please stop by the Railroad Book Depot and purchase your tickets for the next Crawl on August 14th!

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Saturday, July 26, 2014


Posted:  26 Jul 14

Friends, Neighbors, and Future-Friends,

1.  This is to call your attention and link you to the Pittsburg (CA) Chamber of Commerce's Facebook Page, dedicated to this City's Annual Seafood Festival -- Saturday and Sunday, 9/6 and 9/7.

2.  I've invited all of my Facebook Friends (and Family) to click the FB "like" signal -- and I hope you will invite all of yours, too:   (It tells you how to do this, when you arrive at the page)

-- so that they might behold and appreciate (if only for a delightful few moments) one of the prides-and-joys of this magnificent City -- at the conjunction of two important California rivers -- that feed-into the magnificent, world-class harbor -- San Francisco Bay -- and finally -- on through a spell-binding golden gateway -- to blend with
the majestic Pacific Ocean.

3.  Who knows?  It just might stimulate a visit here and who knows what other favorable chain-reactions -- to everyone's benefit.

Hope to see you there,
(both places -- on Facebook AND at the Festival)!

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Posted:  24 Jul 14


If you're not familiar with the wealth of free tools our magnificent government provides us -- from all levels of government -- then, you may be existing at a bit of an unnecessary disadvantage.

This is to call your attention to the above point; to tell you that you can subscribe to the mighty -- (Federal-level) and change your world a bit; and to give you the link to the above mentioned publication.

To get your FREE PDF-copy (or copies, if you desire), of the publication, entitled: "An Employee's Guide to Health Benefits Under COBRA" just click the following link and fill out the little order-box on the right of the screen.  Here you go:

In their own words: "This booklet explains your rights under COBRA to a temporary extension of employer-provided group health coverage, called COBRA continuation coverage."

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.


Posted:  24 Jul 14


If you're not familiar with the wealth of free tools our magnificent government provides us -- from all levels of government -- then, you may be existing at a bit of an unnecessary disadvantage.

This is to call your attention to the above point; to tell you that you can subscribe to the mighty -- (Federal-level) and change your world a bit; and to give you the link to the above mentioned publication.

To get your FREE PDF-copy (or copies, if you desire), of the publication, entitled: "Health Scams," just click the following link and fill out the little order-box on the right of the screen.  Here you go:

In their own words: "Health fraud can cause pain and suffering, and cost you money. Learn to recognize scams before you get taken. Includes examples of typical claims to watch out for. (Previous item number: 576Y)"

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you
can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.


Posted:  24 Jul 14

1.  Purpose

To complete this chapter in the saga of the birth of a "Civic Mentor" system; to share lessons learned, for those who might benefit; to restore my serenity; and to get back to accelerating this project -- even more determined than before -- if that's possible.

By now, you must know, I'm not afraid to open my heart to you -- I trust you.  I'm trying hard to bring more trust into our world -- and to materially increase the reasons for being more trusting.  Better to live what I profess than suffer the ego-blows of hypocrisy and cowardice.

2.  Background

a.  Well, last night, I was interviewed, as announced in the bulletin, entitled: "THE CIVIC MENTOR -- ON THE RADIO (#3) -- 7/23/14/ 6pm /PST."

b.  In my long life, this was a novel experience.  As you know, I write extensively and am reasonably competent in that area.  I'm also totally comfortable and enjoy speaking (when prepared) before an audience -- have been that way for years.  But, when it's an audience one can't see -- within tight time-frames -- on topics of immense complexity and import -- well, that's a different story.

c.  Now, I think I see how to properly prepare.  The unexpected is now less of a mystery.  It's nothing like composing and developing a written work -- gotta remember that.  I now have a better idea of where my skills lie, on a scale of 1-to-10.  The goals and procedures are now much clearer.  I now seem to recall seeing the professionals limbering up, first -- doing vocal exercises.  GETTING USED TO HEARING THEIR OWN VOICES.  Modulating things.  And, I need to keep a CLOCK on my desk -- not rely on all the computers -- which I kept otherwise occupied.

d.  I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS GOOGLE SEARCH ahead of time (instead of just now): "How to do a radio interview."  I certainly SHALL, next time.  What a wealth of info there is, of course.  People are so good to share such things with us.  Didn't think of it.  Too busy revising the main bulletin which is to plug-into and support the fledgling Civic Mentor / NATIONAL System-Element -- and to support a lot of other subsystems, as well


BLUSH! WOW!  Sleepless night.  Grumpy mood this morning.  Starting to feel better by this writing.

a.  What an important experience. But I'm afraid I dropped that ball.  I don't see that I have encouraged more people to consider the bulletin -- one I feel to be so crucially important to you, -- to ALL of us fellow humans.  And that's a sad shame.  (You know, the bulletin I keep endlessly refining and pushing under your noses, entitled -- "A BRAND NEW DARK AGE (#56) == IF the United States Had LOST Her Civil War.")

b.  To listen to that tape, it sounds as if I hadn't done the years of thorough research and careful consideration that I have so fully and truly invested.  But, when it comes down to it, THAT SHOULDN'T MATTER.  The essay isn't something that needs a lot of footnotes.  I deliberately designed it that way.  It's PLENTY AUTHORITATIVE.

c.  Everything factual in that crucial "Civil War and Constitutional Partnership" bulletin, I have very good reason to believe, is well-established, easily verified  -- in the public record -- and self-defensible.  The rest is my best reasoning -- such that it is -- rolling-in a lifetime of education, training, intensely-interested research, and rich exposures.

d.  How I assemble those facts and draw my conclusions are wide open to anyone's inspection and evaluation.  That, I believe is sufficient authority for you to decide whether or not your confidence is justified.  The essay is meant to stand on its own -- regardless of author.


e.  As I just said, at least now I can see where I need to do a whole lot of work on my extemporaneous speaking -- in this, my first ever interview. It's nothing like composing and developing a written work -- gotta remember that.

f.  An entirely different skill-set than standing before an audience you can see. Mind was so full, even with preparation, that I couldn't make my mouth keep up with my brain. Trying to watch the clock. Trying to compress something so vast. To not disrupt the host's plans.  Started to innovate on carefully prepared, written thoughts, years in the thinking, weeks in the writing. I wish I could edit spoken words as easily as I can written. So much I meant to say -- so much I wish I hadn't -- so much I thought I had, but didn't. Like listening to a stranger.


g.  I'll do better next time -- and even better after that -- and so on. Life is a learning experience...and practice makes perfect -- that's for sure. Gonna get right back on this bicycle.

h.  Thankfully, I was in the hands of a fine host -- and a friend -- Codis Hampton II -- of Pittsburg, CA -- a valued source of strength and support.  I'm so grateful to have had yet another opportunity to learn something about myself and where I need improvement -- albeit so publicly (blush, again). I can work with that -- and for this mission, I have to. No other choice that I can live with.  Giving up is NOT an option.

And so, onward and upward.  The chain-reaction continues...

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

City of Pittsburg: Pittsburg's Housing Element Update Community Survey

Pittsburg's Housing Element Update Community Survey
On-line Survey
Posted Date: 7/22/2014

The City of Pittsburg is starting public outreach related to the Housing Element Update and we want to hear from you! The Housing Element is part of the Pittsburg's General Plan, the blueprint for future development throughout the City. The purpose of the Housing Element is to plan for the City of Pittsburg's housing needs by supporting a diversity of housing types, densities, and prices to meet the needs of current and prospective residents of all income levels and ages.

Please take a moment to complete the online Housing Element Update Community Survey. This online survey allows you to participate in the public process at your convenience. Access the survey at the following link, which will be active until August 18, 2014:

Check out the City's Housing Element webpage at for updates related to meetings, document updates and housing-related resources and to sign up to receive project updates via email.

Please forward this email to any person or organization that has an interest in housing issues in Pittsburg.

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

City of Pittsburg: Planning Commission Meeting

Planning Commission Meeting
Date: 7/22/2014 7:00 PM
Location: City Hall, Third Floor Council Chamber
65 Civic Avenue
Pittsburg, California 94565
Click here for the agenda

Thursday, July 17, 2014

City of Pittsburg: Guava Fruit Fly Discovery Prompts More Traps, No Spraying

Guava Fruit Fly Discovery Prompts More Traps, No Spraying
County Agriculture Officials Launch Program
Posted Date: 7/17/2014

The discovery of a destructive garden pest in Bay Point and Pittsburg is the reason County Agriculture Officials plan to set traps in trees and apply a thick liquid to the tops of selected utility poles and trees far above the ground in an effort to get rid of the guava fruit fly. No spraying is planned.

For more information, call the Contra Costa County Agriculture office at (925) 646-5250. Click below for a link to a recent Contra Costa Times newspaper article.

CC Times Article Guava Fruit Fly

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THE CIVIC MENTOR -- ON THE RADIO (#3) -- 7/23/14/ 6pm /PST

Posted:  17 Jul 14

1.  Purpose

    I am honored to announce my upcoming online radio interview, next Wednesday, 23 July, at 6 pm, PST.

2.  In Reference to The Civic Mentor Bulletin:

3.  Background

    1.  I recently had the great good fortune to first meet the host of the on-line program, "Hamp's Corner of America" 
-- Codis Hampton II -- by means of the Facebook blessing -- and was delighted to discover that he lives right here, in lovely Pittsburg, CA.  Since then, our fond friendship has rapidly grown, as we both came to happily realize how much we have in common -- personally, and  -- concerning the best possible future for our much-beloved nation and her people -- and, consequently, THE ENTIRE WORLD. 

<when you click the show, while it's going on, you'll be taken directly to the site and should be able to hear the program, instantly.  It will be recorded, so you can check it out, later.  Once the interview is done, I intend to put a link to it in the "Civil War" bulletin, itself -- unless I "crash and burn," in which case...(smile)>

    2.  Now, he has graciously opened this priceless opportunity for me to reach more of our people -- further introducing the early public fruits of my whole-life-project -- the evolving network-of-public-service-systems -- "The Civic Mentor" -- with my current special emphasis on creating the "National Element" of the Civic Mentor service -- which is among the most fundamental of approximately twelve major elements under construction -- though they're all interlocked and build upon one another -- and are emerging, almost simultaneously.

    3.  Yesterday, Codis also published this very kind and generous synopsis of the show, detailing for you a bit more as to what this is all about, at this link.

4.  Thrust of the Interview

    1.  Since our Civil War IS, I firmly believe, the point of the nation's utter "rebirth" --  the absolute "GROUND ZERO" in redefining what it means to be both an American AND a good human being -- then, careful analysis of that epic cataclysm -- and re-syntheses of its true meaning and ETERNAL RELEVANCE -- MUST BE at the very foundation of the "Civic Mentor / National Element," where it properly belongs -- and that's what will be primarily discussed. 

    2.  Much of the underlying logic that runs entirely through The Civic Mentor project is anchored to and flows from this fabulously meaningful Civil War starting point -- our nation's "ground zero" (even paradigm shift) -- at the very beginning of its -- modernity and coming of age -- lending logical consistency -- philosophical justification -- the sufficiently powerful moral-driving-force -- and fixed center of gravity, hence stability -- sufficient to the needs of -- every single -- interdependent -- Civic Mentor -- sub-system -- to emerge -- enabling soundly defensible -- deductions-forward -- for actual execution -- and appeals-backward -- to secure sound rationale, authority, and limits of flexibility -- throughout the useful life of the project.

    3.  The national-level is where -- our collective Civic-Life is grounded -- represented -- accounted for -- adjudicated -- concentrated -- organized -- disciplined -- reasonably controlled -- coordinated -- resourced -- systemically empowered -- expended -- and where fulfillment of the nation's greatest promise is best guaranteed.  

       a.  Virtually, everything important to us -- flows from -- our great good fortune -- in the particular nation -- fate happened to "assign" to us -- and which human brilliance and sheer guts organized -- and keeps organized -- so grandly.  

       b.  Small wonder that it all belongs at the very foundation of things -- giving us the perfect rational and secure framework -- around which to build, extend and optimize -- the collective civic mind-set and processes -- for the better and better common good.

5.  And so...

    1.  This will be my first radio interview, ever.  As you might imagine, I am both excited and was a little trepidatious -- then realized, "hey, this audience is human, so I already like them a whole lot -- and am eager to connect with them (you).  What have I to worry about?"  Whatever it is, it'll be all right.  And if I miss, well, there's always another turn at bat. 

    2.  This raises things to a brand new and totally unexpected level -- which I thought would take a bit longer to reach. There's still much to be done.  I hope I can pull this off reasonably well.  We're about to find out.  Either way, I am going to learn invaluable lessons -- and, perhaps, to teach a few -- I'll certainly try. (We all have teaching and learning to do, during this remarkable life-experience)  Neither the learning and teaching nor this Civic Mentor project must ever stop -- until there's nothing left for us to do with either.  I'm going to take as many turns at bat as I need.

    3.  Meanwhile, I hope you can squeeze a visit into your busy schedules -- that you will get as much out of it, as we intend to put in -- and that you won't be disappointed.  In all humility, I believe I am on to something quite practical -- which I MUST at least try my best -- to offer to my fellow creatures -- to try to give or help funnel to you greater advantages -- in this game of life. We can all use every advantage we can get -- so we can do and enjoy -- even more of the good things -- that make the life-experience so remarkably worthwhile.

Hope to "see you on the radio" -- the online radio.

David Nelson

Note:  Since originally writing this, I ended up creating a synopsis of the above-referenced bulletin.  I have now moved it into that bulletin, where it best belongs and have compressed this one.  Life's chain-reactions still continue to work just fine...

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

Friday, July 11, 2014

City of Pittsburg: City Council Meeting

City Council Meeting
Date: 7/21/2014 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Council Chamber
65 Civic Avenue
Pittsburg, California 94565
Click here to view the agenda

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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Pittsburg Seafood & Music Festival 2014 Status (Sept 6 & 7 SAT/SUN)

Posted: 5 Jul 14

From:  Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce, Facebook page.

Requested Action:  Please share with us your traits and photos about Pittsburg using #PittsburgSMF.

Note:  To see some neat Pittsburg photos, please go to the Chamber's Facebook page (above)

Seafood & Music Festival (Sept 6 & 7): Main Website

This Year's Seafood Festival Theme:
"30 exceptional traits about Pittsburg"

We are happy to announce that the Festival is going back to its roots, and returning to the beautiful Pittsburg Marina.

Our theme this year is “30 exceptional traits about Pittsburg” whether it be visiting our top restaurants, enjoying family activities like hiking, biking, sailing, soccer, bocce, or celebrating life milestones like purchasing a home or growing a business.

Pittsburg has a great many things to offer and we want to spread the word about this wonderful City.

Over 45,000+ patrons from all over the Bay Area make their way to Pittsburg not only for great seafood and entertainment, but to see what Pittsburg has to offer!

The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce is proud to have successfully presented the Pittsburg Seafood & Music Festival for the past 30 years and we are still going strong in 2014!

Share with us your traits and photos about Pittsburg 
using #PittsburgSMF.

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

City of Pittsburg: July 4th Family Festival & Fireworks

July 4th Family Festival & Fireworks
Free event at the Pittsburg Marina
Posted Date: 7/3/2014 5:00 PM

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HAPPY JULY 4TH! ~~ Military HAND-SALUTES Matter to Veterans, Too

Posted:  3 Jul 14


1.1  It seems I'm always writing love letters to this nation.  What might I say here that I haven't said before?  In view of the big thing which happens tomorrow -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA -- today seems a mighty good day to offer another attempt.

1.2  I know!  I have it!!  I would like to use this opportunity to point out and celebrate another privilege which this nation affords its military veterans -- who no longer happen to be on active service -- namely, the right to render military-style salutes on patriotic occasions -- for the rest of their lives.  This wasn't always the case.  And, I would like to try to explain, at least in part, why I think this matters to us.  I do that in Section Three, below.

1.3  But first, I can't resist reflecting on a bit of the meaning of the moment.

1.4.  Finally, in Section 4, I offer, for your convenience, a Google-search link-list, examining some of the ways the entire land is going about celebrating this special weekend.   As usual, I lament that I can't yet save as many keystrokes for those neighbors outside my home area.  I dream of the day when I can -- and am working hard toward that happy end.


2.1  Let me start by noting what seems to be a sad, but irrefutable truth.  That the nation's great business is often written in the annals, using the "red ink" of oceans of patriot blood -- for that's just the way the world is -- or at least always has been -- up until now -- demanding from the generations, payments not to be denied.  For example, tomorrow marks both:
  • The 239th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence -- the nation's "birth certificate," made real by A SEA of patriot blood during the glorious American Revolutionary War.  
  • It's also the 151st anniversary of national victory ("four score and seven" years later) in the two greatest, most violent of great Civil War campaigns -- Gettysburg and Vicksburg (an amazing -- some might even say, providential -- coincidence for them to both burst forth -- at the very same time -- at opposite ends of a country which was vast, even back then -- and on the national birthday, to boot) -- both glorious battles, instrumental in saving the Constitution, avoiding a new global "dark age," and permitting a unified nation to continue its existence beyond its early adolescence -- a triumph made real, this time, by an, thus far, UNSURPASSED OCEAN of patriot blood and life-force. [True to form, civil wars tend to be the bloodiest of such violent enterprises] 
  • Along these lines, you might wish to consider my recent bulletin, entitled "A BRAND NEW DARK AGE (#6) == IF the United States Had LOST Her Civil War
  • And, so it goes (thus far). Human beings spilling-out their very life-force to change their world for the better -- for, alas, sometimes nothing less will do.

2.2  Incidently, here is an interesting glimpse back into a long history of significant July 4th's, entitled "Historical Events on the 4th of July.  For example -- in 1944, during World War Two -- 1,100 US guns fired a 4th of July salute at German lines in Normandy -- it's hard to imagine such a violent war-storm. [The Union armies were always doing the very same noisy, annoying thing to the Confederate enemy's July 4th's -- and were especially much heavier and even more enthusiastic annoyances -- after each significant victory, as the war entered its concluding phase.]


Not long ago, I entered a discussion with other viewers of a YouTube video, entitled: "New Saluting Law for Veterans."  I am re-printing my comments, below, for whatever they may be worth to you.


The video announced that the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 contained an amendment to allow un-uniformed service members, military retirees, and veterans to render a hand salute during the hoisting, lowering, or passing of the U.S. flag.  A later amendment further authorized hand-salutes during the national anthem by veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel. This was included in the Defense Authorization Act of 2009, which President Bush signed on Oct. 14, 2008.


For our general edification, here is a typically fine Wikipedia discussion of the entire US Flag Code. It is well worth a look, for it deepens, even further, our understanding and, hence, our appreciation, affection, and respect for the great good fortune which "the Star-Spangled Banner" represents for this nation and world.

The subject matter also adds to our confidence that we are carefully following and preserving procedures enshrined in the customs, traditions, and the history of the nation -- perpetuating such knowledge and patriotic feeling forward, for ALL the generations to also cherish.

Here is also the Congressional Research Service's report to Congress, "The United States Flag: Federal Law Relating to Display and Associated Questions, that can further enrich our understanding.


1.  You raise an interesting question, Ron Livingston:  "Why does there need to be a law for this?"   Thank you for seeking to understand and causing me to reach inside for an answer.  I think the many other answers, here, greatly deepen and expand the insights and stimulate much thought (Thanks to all who have invested and shared their thoughts, in good will).

-- I might add [to the other comments] that if one wishes to do what their countrymen consider to be proper, they comply with the law.   One, among several reasons might be that, if we didn't, our fellow informed citizens would know and we would be diminished in their eyes -- for salutes are public expressions of private sentiments -- and their manner of rendering has been lawfully prescribed. (Embarrassment is all the penalty needed for transgressing such a self-enforcing law)  Now, with the new law, you have the option which removes a personal burden and awkward choice for you.  And, it took a new law to give it to you.

-- I, for one, am grateful for the change.  I didn't stop loving my Coast Guard and what it taught me, merely because I left its active ranks. Nor my country and what it teaches me, merely because I'm no longer on active duty.  Both factors are now burned deeply into my very being.

-- The point is, I stepped forward and answered the particular call I heard (everyone hears different callings).  And, I discovered the truth that "Once a Coastie, always a Coastie" (and this holds true for most of my fellow military brethren and sistren --- regardless of branch).  By saluting, in military style, (the way our beloved services carefully taught us) it says that WE STILL BELONG [the roles we played, still matter].  In my heart, I always feel this -- and the new law says that the nation truly agrees -- after giving it the thought that it deserves.

-- This also makes it easier for vets to find other vets.  I can't tell you how many new friends I make, vet and non-vet, by making myself known to them -- and they to me.  But, I assure you, it's a wonderful advantage to not be merely "ships, passing in the night" -- unknown and unknowable.

2.  To your other point: "It's a waste of taxpayer resources:"  It may seem a meaningless waste to you, because it is apparently unimportant to you -- at present.  But it does matter to millions of others.  It responds to thousands of appeals for a change.  Any waste is minimal, especially as compared to the level of happy contentment it raises.  Government is, once again, doing its proper function.

3.  As to the rest of your statement: "...and is ultimately meaningless as it revolves around symbolism, with no material benefit:"

-- I must beg to differ.  Symbolism, IN NO WAY, means a thing is ultimately meaningless.   Symbolism is what unites us and makes us stronger than we could ever be as a mere sum-total of individuals.  Symbolism conveys meaning and thus, cannot be meaningless -- else it wouldn't be a symbol, but something else.

--  "Material benefits" are not the ONLY benefits to be found and cherished in this life.  In fact, symbolism is an essential feature of social existence. It helps us coordinate and cooperate with one another for common purposes -- far better than any alternative (if there even is an alternative).  Hence, symbols tend to be practical and efficient, even indispensable, by nature.

-- A symbol may not always be material, but it almost always has effects on the material world -- it's just that the effects are not always easy to measure -- rather, they often have to be taken as reflections of justified beliefs based on reasoned purposes.

-- Consider the definition of a "symbol" -- "a thing that represents or stands for something else."  We humans rely on symbols to do much of our heavy lifting -- to establish our common understandings -- to remember things worth remembering -- and more.  For example, words and images are symbols that enable us to communicate (exchange ideas from one brain to another). Where would we be without those?  Without symbols, we'd never be able to do more than the simplest of things, over very brief time-spans.

4.  Russell Lewis. It is quite unlikely that anyone would interfere with your salutation decisions.  Civilian salutes haven't been rendered incorrect by the law -- for anyone.  (And, the decision to salute or not salute is a personal decision -- though one choice might generate strong reactions.)  The manner of saluting, military- or civilian-style, is an either-or proposition for veterans.  But, that's not the point, one way or the other.  Laws are not always to "make" you do a thing, under some sort of penalty.  They also tell you what is considered correct -- which is helpful to know, if correctness matters to you.  They allow you to do things, in comfortable assurance, without risk of error, embarrassment, or unintended transgression -- when you'd much rather be thinking about the symbolism of the moment.

I HOPE MY CLUMSY ATTEMPT AT AN EXPLANATION will prove helpful in your understanding what you are seeking to understand.  Thank you, both, for stimulating me to think about your honest questions.

--- END OF COMMENTARY (at least I think and hope that's all a fair description of reality)

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

OOPS AND DRAT!  I did it again.  I lost all the Facebook "like" signals, below,  when I tried making some edits from my smart phone.  But, sincere thanks to those who gave me feedback.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

City of Pittsburg: Home away from home plate: Pittsburg ball players form bonds with host families

Home away from home plate: Pittsburg ball players form bonds with host families
Posted Date: 7/2/2014


PITTSBURG -- As Pittsburg's new professional baseball team makes itself at home, some East Contra Costa residents are making sure its more nomadic players feel that hospitality long after the final pitch.

About a dozen families have stepped up to the plate to serve as host families this summer for the Pittsburg Mettle, a time-honored tradition in minor league and independent league baseball, where players earn meager salaries, often far from home, while dreaming of a shot at the majors. Half of the Mettle's 22-player roster has come from out of the area to play ball in Pittsburg.

"It's been a really great experience thus far. It feels like (outfielder Tim Battle) is part of the family," said Christian Knight, of Oakley.

He and his wife, Gail, found out about the search for hosts when their 6-year-old son Brayden was participating in a tournament at Pittsburg City Park.

"It's great that it gives Brayden someone to look up to and admire," Knight said.

The family did a double play of sorts when it also put up pitcher Cameron Dullnig. But it later convinced Christian's mom, Lynnda Mori, to have him stay with her so that they have more space.

Now, the family and both ballplayers make it a habit of eating lunch together before the games. They sat around the kitchen island at Mori's home last week, laughing and sharing stories between bites of pesto tortellini and chicken.

The players are good with Brayden and give him "knuckles" before they go to bat, Christian Knight said. Battle also presented him with a bat signed by the team, and the Mettle tandem has been going to his baseball games.

"Brayden's been playing better lately too, so the other parents are like, 'I guess we have to become host families too,'" said Gail Knight.

Host families are valuable because the aspiring players don't earn lofty contracts, as most are teenagers or in their early 20s. It's a custom for the leagues, and helps make them successful, said Cris Franklin, one of the Mettle's co-founders. The Mettle is part of the four-team independent Pacific Association of Professional Baseball Clubs, playing its home games at City Park.

Having more host families would allow the ballclub to attract more players from farther away, Franklin said.

Many ballplayers have to cut corners to make ends meet. Battle, 28, said he slept on an inflatable mattress in the locker room in the United League in east Texas last year, as staying at a motel can be pricey. Teammate Dullnig, 25, said postgame meals consisted of trips to McDonalds.

"To have a home-cooked meal and a place to stay, it's one less thing to worry about," Battle said.

Families must provide each player with their own room and access to a laundry room and kitchen. It's preferred, but not a requirement, that they have their own bathroom.

Toni Torres, of Oakley, was a bit apprehensive when she read the team was looking for host families, given past experiences with roommates.

But, after reading about it on Facebook, she reasoned that this is different because they're affiliated with a team.

"It's a lot like dating. You worry about if it's going to be a good fit," said Monica Leite, of Pittsburg. Her partner, Victor Souza, was worried about having a stranger in the house.

"It turned out to be a really good match, and (infielder Nash Hutter) is good with my young daughter," Leite said.

Though they don't get paid, hosts say the program offers perks, including season tickets to the team's 42 home games and discounts on merchandise.

"I'm thoroughly enjoying it," said Denny Seelinger, of Pittsburg. "I've always gone to minor league games in San Jose and Stockton, so it's great to have it less than a mile from my house."

Seelinger, a retired teacher, calls his guest Colby Guerny a "model roommate," adding that Guerny is young enough to be his son. The two talk about life, schooling and the previous night's game, he said.

"I'll stay away from that if he didn't have a good game," he said.

The players often form lifelong bonds with their host families, Franklin said. One example the Mettle points to on the team website is San Francisco Giants slugger Pablo Sandoval, who stays in touch with the Musgrave family of San Jose, his host family when he played in the minor leagues after coming from Venezuela.

Franklin says her husband Wayne, the team's manager and a former major leaguer, lived with a host family when he played with the Los Angeles Dodgers organization. When you mention them to him, his face lights up, she said.

"If you mention the (words) 'host family' to a player, they will go on and on about their host family experiences," she said. "Host families can make a big difference in the player's day-to-day performance and confidence."

Torres said a tough part was that the first player they hosted was no longer with the team after the first three weeks.

"It was really sad, and I can't help but think how we'll feel when this is over in 90 days. I mean, he plays with my son all the time. They become part of your household," she said.

Contact Paul Burgarino at 925-779-7164. Follow him at

  • The team was created in April and had its home opener June 17.
  • Home games are played at Pittsburg City Park Field 1.
  • Tickets are $8 for grandstands and $6 for bleachers.
  • The team name pays homage to Pittsburg's industrial heritage and ambitious future.
  • For more information, go to, follow the team on Twitter at, Instagram at or like it on Facebook.

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