Friday, November 22, 2013

City of Pittsburg: Free Holiday Concert

Free Holiday Concert
U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West
Date: 12/10/2013 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Cost: Free
Location: Creative Arts Building
250 School Street
Pittsburg, California

Come to a free holiday concert by the U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West. The show will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, December 10 at the Creative Arts Building, 250 School Street in Pittsburg.

Tickets are required, but they are free from the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce. Call (925) 432-7301.

U.S. Air Force Band Free Concert

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Friday, November 15, 2013

City of Pittsburg: Holiday Parade

Holiday Parade
Featuring Pittsburg High School Marching Show Band and Others
Date: 12/14/2013 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Railroad Avenue
From Eighth to Third Streets
Pittsburg, California

The annual Holiday Parade returns to Old Town at 11 a.m. on Saturday, December 14. The parade route will begin at 8th Street and Railroad Avenue, and will continue along Railroad to its end at Third Street.

After the parade, the City Recreation Department will have activities for children and families to enjoy at Old Town Plaza, located along Railroad Avenue between Fifth and Sixth streets. Also in the neighborhood is the Pittsburg Arts and Community Foundation boutique, which is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 690 Railroad Avenue. Come for the parade, stay for the holiday activities and shopping.

To enter your group or float in the parade, contact Timi Tumbaga at or by phone at (925) 639-2981. No entry fee.

Holiday Event Flyer 2013

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

City of Pittsburg: PACF Poker Tournament

PACF Poker Tournament
Fundraiser for Art and Literacy Programs
Date: 12/6/2013 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Location: EJ Phair Brewery Tap Room
300 Cumberland Street
Pittsburg, California

The Pittsburg Arts and Community Foundation, Inc. will host its annual Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament starting at 5:30 p.m. Friday, December 6 at the EJ Phair Brewery.

The tournament features a buffet dinner at 5:30 p.m. Poker begins at 6:30 p.m. Unlimited $20 re-buys for the first hour. All skill levels are welcome. The $75 buy-in includes dinner, $1,000 in chips and a special thank you gift. For dinner only, tickets are $25.

The foundation is raising money for art and literacy programs in Pittsburg, including art classes for kids and the Railroad Book Depot bookstore. For more information, contact PACF at (925) 252-6930.

Poker Tournament Fundraiser


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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

ABOUT STAFF SERGEANT TY CARTER -- I think more words need to be spoken

Posted: 12 Nov 13

... and here are a few of them.


As explained in the bio, below, Staff Sergeant Ty Carter is a resident of Pittsburg's very close friend and neighbor, Antioch, CA.  

He has covered himself in glory, a proud fact made better known this Veterans Day weekend, here in Pittsburg, at various events and along the social network.  

The Medal of Honor is the most significant recognition a service member can ever hope to achieve -- in bitterest battle -- and Sgt. Carter is one of the newest members in that exclusive, much hallowed hall of heroes.

Staff Sergeant Carter has lifted himself and his country to greater heights
 and deserves the eternal gratitude and respect of his fellow countrymen and women.

1.  ABOUT STAFF SERGEANT TY CARTER -- a brief but comprehensive bio.

Here is what they say he did (further elaborated on in the bio, below) -- oh, well done, sir!


Among other things, these heroes, who turn the tide of battle, even offering to lay down their lives for their comrades, do things that reverberate down the ages.

(1) Large populations now exist (which wouldn't, otherwise), "only" because these warriors saved the lives of future fathers and mothers -- both directly and indirectly.

(2) Wars turn out differently and society flourishes, rather than darkens

(3) Great acts inspire more of the same

(4) They teach us well, by demonstrating how freedom and human dignity exact awesome costs for their preservation -- by causing us to search our own souls to see whether we could have done such deeds, ourselves -- to truly rise to the occasion -- and by showing us that it is not completely impossible to do so.

(5) They leave a legacy of honor that blesses their descendants (as well as their contemporaries) and shapes their lives -- and the lives of those whom these others, themselves, touch -- ALL OF US -- connected together into the single great human chain-reaction which IS us...

"These bravest of the brave."


Here are a few of the official and traditional courtesies and privileges to which his astounding and famous acts of patriotic courage have entitled him:

In this life, the way it happens to be, it seems to me that we need all the heroes we can get -- and are blessed when they step forward -- both in combat and at home.

Thank you for this, Staff Sergeant!

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

VETERANS DAY CONCERT at the California Theatre -- A HUGE SUCCESS! (Update #1)

Posted:  9 Nov 13
*Updated: 12 Nov 13

Tonight's 1st Annual Veterans Day concert at Pittsburg's California Theatre was a big smash in my opinion (and my wife's).

It was a lovely, community-building event in a great cause (for the Veterans Employment Committee of Contra Costa County) -- and the very start of a tradition which will surely grow over the years -- especially, now that the California Theater is up and running. Even appropriately printed T-shirt mementoes were passed out at the door to our delighted surprise.

A little more than half the seats were filled, which was quite respectable for the first event of its kind.  No doubt, as word of mouth does its work, a bursting auditorium will probably become the norm.

The bands were top-notch entertainers and fun to watch and admire. The music was a little loud (for us senior citizen types), but I suspect that will be modulated next time -- especially if that type of happy music is repeated -- classic rock 'n' roll, foot-tapping, body moving irresistibles.

A fabulous guitarist-singer (*Billy Shaub) rendered splendid versions of Neil Diamond favorites.   He left us wanting a whole lot more. We would definitely attend more of his performances and will keep a watchful eye out for his next appearances.  (I am so sincere about this and about everything else I deliberately say)

The undeniable high point: We all jumped to our feet to offer vigorous and prolonged applause to Medal of Honor winner, *Staff Sgt. Ty Carter. When we finally quieted down to allow him to speak, this fine, brave gentlemen spoke inspiring words to us.

What a sense of pride and privilege washed over the auditorium. I had to rush home and look up his citation, as follows.  As you would expect, it is utterly awesome.

City Councilmember Ben Johnson -- who is very, very active in veterans affairs, among many other voluntary community efforts -- was in his usual photographic mode and has already started building an album of the event on his Facebook page.

He will be presiding over Monday's free Kiwanis breakfast at the Community Center and the Veterans Day ceremony to follow.  Details on these events may be found in this City-Journal bulletin.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Friday, November 8, 2013

VETERANS DAY 2013 WEEKEND -- Honors and Joy for Days to Come

Posted:  8 Nov 13


To publicize some practical information concerning this annual commemoration of exemplary courage and sacrifice in the greatest of causes -- preservation of our nation against all comers and the continuing chance to enhance both our way of life and our home planet. (Things could have turned out far differently... lucky, lucky us!)

The information applies to commemorative activities within the successively larger territories that contain and shield us all, as neighbors of our City and County, Economic Area, Great State, West Coast Region, and throughout our much beloved and respected Nation.  (Stars and Stripes Forever! Amen! Courtesy of the United States Marine Band and, of course, John Philip Sousa)

Festoon the land with the most meaningful color-set on earth -- red, white, and blue.  But do not half-mast the national ensign on Monday (When to fly your American flag).  Let her fly high!

The Link-List

1.  In Pittsburg

  • 11/9/SAT/4 pm -- A FREE CONCERT: "1st Annual Veterans Benefit Jam" -- 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9, California Theatre, 351 Railroad Ave., Pittsburg. The event is in recognition and appreciation of veterans service and will help support The Veterans Employment Committee of Contra Costa County. Music by The Delta Dogs, The RaveUps, The Blondies, Billy Schaub, Syria Berry, and special guests. Admission is free; donations appreciated. All proceeds will benefit area veterans. Tickets: 925-427-1047.
  • 11/11/MON/8 & 11 am -- BREAKFAST & CEREMONY to Honor Veterans: Breakfast: 8 a.m., Ceremony: 11 a.m.  Pittsburg Senior Center, 300 Presidio Lane. Breakfast sponsored by the Pittsburg Kiwanis Club. For information, call Ben Johnson, 925-252-4850.

2.  In Contra Costa County

6.  Around the Nation

Have another safe, joyous, and meaningful weekend!  
It's all been bought and paid for, many times over 
(Lucky, lucky US!!!)

David Nelson
Fellow Citizen of a Great World and Humankind's Crown Jewel

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

NOTICE OF DETERMINATION -- Trans Bay Cable Project Improvements

Posted:  7 Nov 13

1.  Brief Synopsis

The embedded Notice of Determination (NOD) is received from Kathy Comtois of the Pittsburg Planning Department, concerning construction of two new buildings, 26 parking spaces, and other improvements at the Trans Bay Cable Converter Station at 570 W. 10th Street, Pittsburg, CA.

Special Note:  Before reaching the embedded document, below, you will find two very interesting excerpts, from reliable websites, which reveal the great significance of this vital Bay Area resource's presence in Pittsburg -- and, indeed, of its very existence at all. [Added for context and because it's just plain good to know -- seemed like a perfect publicizing opportunity]

As you will see, in the embedded public document:
  • This Notice of Determination complies with Section 21152, Public Resources Code
  • The City approved this project on 19 August 2013
  • The Project Description explains the sense of this project.

2.  Excerpts from the Trans Bay Cable website:

The Trans Bay Cable, LLC is an energy transmission company in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Trans Bay Cable consists of a 53-mile HVDC [High Voltage Direct Current] cable system that runs under the San Francisco Bay to transfer existing energy from the City of Pittsburg to the City of San Francisco.

TBC has convertor stations in both Pittsburg and San Francisco. Power is used by consumers in the Alternating Current (AC) form. Because AC power cannot travel efficiently over long distances while buried it must be converted to the Direct Current (DC) form in Pittsburg, and then back to AC once it reaches San Francisco.

It is important to note that the Pittsburg Substation receives power through transmission lines from many other power plants in California and the Western U.S. Because of the diversity of its energy sources, it is impossible to identify the specific sources of power the Cable will receive, but it does include energy from renewable sources.

3.  Excerpts from Wikipedia

The Trans Bay Cable is a high-voltage direct current underwater cable interconnection between San Francisco, California and Pittsburg, California.

The 53 mi (85 km) cable under San Francisco Bay and through the Carquinez Strait can transmit 400 megawatts of power at a DC voltage of ±200 kV, enough to provide 40% of San Francisco's peak power needs.

Owned by SteelRiver Transmission Company, the line connects PG&E's Potrero Substation to its 230 kV transmission line in Pittsburg.

The system was completed in November, 2010.

The Trans Bay Cable project was the first HVDC system to use the Modular Multi-Level Converter (MMC) system.

4.  Notice of Determination

David Nelson

NOTICE OF DETERMINATION -- Pittsburg Plastic Bag Ordnance

Posted:  7 Nov 13

Brief Synopsis

The embedded Notice of Determination (NOD) is received from Kathy Comtois of the Pittsburg Planning Department, concerning a new plastic bag regulation for the City of Pittsburg.

As you will see,
  • This Notice of Determination complies with Section 21152, Public Resources Code
  • The new ordnance goes into effect on 15 January 2014
  • The Project Description explains the sense of this new ordnance.

David Nelson

Plastic Bag Regulation NOD.pdf by Decian1

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

DESIGNING OLD TOWN PARK (Update #1) -- Next TWO meetings -- 11/6/WED (7 pm) & 11/18/Mon (7 pm)

Posted:  6 Nov 13
Update #1:  6 Nov / 10:40 am


This bulletin transmits a message from the City Planning Department concerning the new park being designed, with much public input, to convert the vacant lot on Railroad Avenue -- between the downtown plaza, Momo's, and La Veranda; across from the museum; and catty-corner from Lumpy's -- into "Old Town Park," Pittsburg.

Update #1 adds new information (embedded at the bottom of this bulletin) from the Planning Department:
  1. Narrative description of the three design options considered and 
  2. Actual design sketches (with photo examples).  
  3. Associate Planner Leigha Smith informs me that a simple majority [of responding public] preferred Concept B, about 52%. 
  4. And then an additional 18% preferred Concept A which was very similar to B in that it was an "active concept" [too] with lots of programming. 
  5. This indicated to staff that the majority of people [responding] wanted to see active programming in the park.
You can open these embedded documents to full-screen mode by clicking the rectangle in the lower right-hand corner of each frame.


To help bring everyone up to speed, here is a link-list to City-Journal bulletins concerning this exciting, long-lasting City-enhancer:

David Nelson
(Thanks to neighbor, Dena Jordan, for calling for the above additional information)


On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 10:07 AM,
Leigha Schmidt <> wrote:

Hello All,

I apologize about the late notice but I wanted to make you aware of two upcoming meetings related to the Old Town Park.

1.  On Wednesday, November 6 at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 65 Civic Avenue, 3rd Floor Council Chambers, the Community Advisory Commission (CAC) will consider the Old Town Park conceptual designs, public comment on those designs, preliminary cost estimate and the Land Use Subcommittee recommendation for the Old Town Park.

  • At that meeting the CAC will be asked to provide a recommendation to the City Council on a preferred conceptual design. 
  • This is not a public hearing but there will be allocated time for the public to speak on agenda and non-agenda items. 
  • Please see for this meeting’s agenda materials.

2.  On Monday, November 18, 2013 at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 65 Civic Avenue, 3rd Floor Council Chambers, the City Council will consider the Old Town Park conceptual designs, public comment on those designs, preliminary cost estimate and the Land Use Subcommittee and CAC’s recommendations.

  • At that meeting, the Council will be asked to approve a conceptual design and to authorize staff to develop construction level drawings and a bid package for the Old Town Park. 
  • This is not a public hearing but your presence will be appreciated. 
  • The agenda is not available for that meeting at this time, but you can check back at the following link: next week and the staff report and supporting materials will be posted for public review.

 Please feel free to contact me with any questions about the project. Hope to see you at the meetings!

Leigha Schmidt
Associate Planner
City of Pittsburg
65 Civic Avenue
Pittsburg, CA 94565
p. 925-252-4015
f. 925-252-4814