Friday, May 31, 2013


Updated:  15 Jan 13*; 16 Jan*; 17 Jan* (final?)
Posted:  13 Jan 13

If you're troubled by early morning frost on your car windows, here are some ideas to get you started solving this potentially disastrous problem:
There's more.  If you have condensation inside or out, ask our old faithful friend, Google.

Here's hoping that all your mornings will be safe and happy ones!

* Little experiment-set in Pittsburg, CA

0115 0630 -- Experiment #1's Results:  IT WORKS!

Frosty-morning update:  Last night, I laid a bath towel over the front window on one car and left the other car alone.  This morning, the unprotected window was frozen, but when I pulled the towel from the other, it was clear and dry and ready to see and avoid running over things we'd rather leave alone.

Next experiment:  spray bottle + 3 parts vinegar + 1 part water -- to apply to one car, the night before (to prevent frost) and to the other car, the next morning (to see if it melts frost as fast as they say).

0116 0615 -- Experiment #2's Results

Frosty morning. As before, bath towel over window on one car kept frost away -- clear as glass.  (Had to change the experiment a tad -- my wife didn't want me to spray vinegar at her brand new car.  Oh, the trials and tribulations of science.)

Other car frosted. Tried vinegar spray on it and it CREATED A GLAZE (i.e. it instantly froze) which would have been dangerous to drive with -- which some of our more impulsive or hurried brothers and sisters might try to do.  Perhaps, hastily deciding it's not worth 5 minutes, or less, to make ready for an enjoyable morning drive -- rather than risk the possible beginning of a profoundly sad life-milestone.

That wasn't supposed to happen -- maybe I didn't get the proportions right -- come to think of it, I did a 4-1 mix of water to vinegar -- SHOULD HAVE BEEN 3-1!!! I'll try again, tomorrow.

0117 0645 -- Experiment #3's Results

Made an error --  I looked at the cars, around 4:30 am, saw they were wet, but not frozen, so I thought I'd have to wait another day or two to experiment further.  Big mistake.  When I next looked at the cars, around 6:30, THE WINDOWS HAD FROSTED OVER -- in that short a time!!  I should have wiped the moisture off, before. (Maybe the error was good, for I learned the following)

So, I again tried the water-vinegar solution (carefully measured this time).  Again, the frost changed into a glaze which was almost as hard to see through and tough to get off -- wipers and lots of vinegar spray only refroze.

BUT, THIS TRICK SAVED THE DAY -- I took an old newspaper and rubbed the glazed window, vigorously, which broke off the frost and gave my wife a safe window to peer through, as she headed off into the sunrise.  That beats scraping, without that handy East-Coast innovation, an ice-scraper.


The towel is best -- the spray is good (when combined with a little muscle grease)

THAT VINEGAR WILL NOT HARM A CAR'S PAINT.  Click here to see for yourself.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pittsburg Civic Action Request (by 5/29/13) -- Donlon-Buchanan Traffic Congestion Relief

Posted:  26 May 13

1.  Purposes

  • To publicize background and actionable information on project planning, concerned with relieving serious traffic congestion along the James Donlon-Buchanan Road corridor in Pittsburg -- a matter with County-wide impact
  • To publicize the May 29 deadline for public response to the Draft Environmental Impact Report
  • To provide a convenient link for communicating with the City Council
  • To transmit Pittsburg City Councilman Ben Johnson's comments on the issue

2.  References
  1. Google search: Contra Costa Times Buchanan Donlon
  2. Contra Costa Times article, Long-awaited Pittsburg road extension project plans roll forward, by Paul Burgarino, 04/29/2013
  3. Contra Costa Times article, Pittsburg making new push on James Donlon extension, by Rick Radin,  09/23/2011
  4. City of Pittsburg Documents on the James Donlon Boulevard Extension
  5. Official Pittsburg website (Contact the City Council)

3.  Critical Deadline -- Please note, in reference (2), that:

"The public is invited to vet documents for the James Donlon Extension, a 1.7-mile road that would run from the western edge of Discovery Builders' planned Sky Ranch II subdivision to Kirker Pass Road. James Donlon Boulevard dead-ends at Antioch's western border, the road built as part of a housing development by the Seeno company."

"Pittsburg released a draft version of an environmental impact report earlier this month."

"Comments on the plan will be accepted until May 29."
    Please take a few minutes to email your thoughts to the City Council

    4.  From Pittsburg City Councilman Ben Johnson

    Ref:  Councilman Ben Johnson's Facebook Page, 4/20/13

    Smooth-flowing traffic East-to-West 
    and West-to-East County each day! 
    How can we accomplish this great feat?
    Working for the same common goals would be nice!

    1.  How would the people who make the 5,000,000 commuter trips annually through far East County -- using James Donlon and Buchanan Road each weekday -- like to commute to work on a road that will BYPASS Buchanan Rd and the City of Pittsburg?

    2.  We need all of East County to support the JAMES DONLON EXTENSION. 
    • Currently as a member of the Pittsburg City Council and for many years prior, I have watched East County EXPLODE with housing, business, new family growth, 
    • ... and traffic which is unable to keep up with these inflows. 
    2.  We have continued to be the stepchild when it comes to projects.
    • So many years to get Highway 4 widened to four lanes and now to eight. 
    • It has also taken almost a lifetime to get the BART and E-BART extensions just to Pittsburg.
    • At long last, the E-BART system is nearing completion, to serve Pittsburg, at Railroad Avenue, and Antioch, at Hillcrest Avenue -- with possible future locations farther east. 
    3.  With the 2010 Census, the count of far east residents has grown to over 310,000 people -- which equates to over 30% of the county's population
    • It is time to take even greater control of our future and insure we are no longer the stepchild! 
    • It is time for you all to speak out about your commute frustrations. 
    • Help us get this new Bypass route finished and it is for the betterment of all commuters and hopefully will reduce commuter stress. 

    Pass this on to your City Councils and County Supervisors! 

    • LET'S GET THIS DONE and make far East County a better place for ALL who live here. 
    • IT'S NOT ABOUT JUST ONE CITY.  It's about a much better future for this entire place (and beyond). 

    Ben Johnson
    City Councilmember
    Pittsburg City Council

    Sunday, May 26, 2013

    City of Pittsburg: 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (2012 - 2017)

    Posted:  26 May 13

    City of Pittsburg
    5-Year Capital Improvement Program
    (2012 - 2017)


    To publicize information concerning City of Pittsburg capital improvement efforts.  This captures the information from the City website and presents it here, for your convenience.

    1.  The City of Pittsburg's 5-Year Capital Improvement Program

    • is a multi year planning instrument for the construction of new and expansion, rehabilitation, or replacement of existing City owned assets. 
    • The 5-Year CIP is used by City Staff as a guide for project prioritization to accomplish community goals. 
    • The Program is updated annually to allow for projects that have been completed, changing priorities, new priorities, and funding availability.

    2.  The 5-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 through 2016/2017 includes various projects for the benefit of the Citizens of Pittsburg.

    3.  Each of the projects meets some or all of the following criteria:

    • Elimination of potentially hazardous or unsafe conditions and potential liabilities 
    • Replacement of high maintenance and inefficient/ineffective infrastructure 
    • Improvement to and/or creation of new services to the Public 
    • Outside agency regulatory requirements and mandates 
    • Stimulation of the local economy/eliminate blighted conditions 
    • Compliance with the City of Pittsburg General Plan 
    • Preservation of existing assets

    4.  The schedule for Capital Improvement Projects

    • is based on available funding, public benefit, and funding restrictions. 
    • The project schedule is updated annually with the annual 5-Year Program update.

    (please allow extra time for PDF's to load)

    Select one of the following Capital Improvement Program Categories for information about projects included in the current 5-Year Capital Improvement Program.  To load the following documents, please use the links on the original article.

    1. Street Projects [PDF]
    2. Storm Drain Projects [PDF]
    3. Signal Projects [PDF]
    4. Building Projects [PDF]
    5. Water Projects [PDF]
    6. Park Projects [PDF]
    7. Sewer Projects [PDF]
    8. General Projects [PDF]

    Please note that not all projects currently have funding available for design or construction. Please view the Capital Improvement Project Status [PDF] link for information on currently active projects.


    Posted: 26 May 13

    City of Pittsburg



    To publicize information concerning City of Pittsburg Projects.  This captures the information from the City website and presents it here, for your convenience.



    • Marina Walk Phase II Subdivision- 88 single family homes on West 8th Street and Herb White Way
    • Toscana Subdivision Phase One- 73 single family homes located at the NE corner of San Marco Boulevard & Leland Road.
    • Vista Del Mar Subdivisions- Single family homes located on West Leland Road
    • East Street Estates Subdivision– 8 single family homes located along East St between 8th Street and 9th Street

    Commercial and Industrial

    • Fire Line for the Koch Carbon site located on East 3rd Street
    • Antioch Building Materials- Improvements and new construction of facilities in 1300 block of California Avenue
    • San Marco Gas Station- San Marco Boulevard at the corner of West Leland Road
    • PGE project- Upgrade of gas service in various locations in Pittsburg
    • New Ford Dealership- Located at Century Plaza Boulevard
    • First Baptist Church- New 34,859 sq. ft. building at 550 West 10th Street
    • California Theater- Seismic strengthening and rehabilitation to provide commercial/office space at 351 Railroad Avenue



    • Bancroft Garden II Subdivision- 28 lot residential subdivision on Birchwood Drive
    • Sky Ranch Subdivision– 415 single family homes located south of Buchanan Road off Somersville Road
    • Alves Ranch Subdivision- West Leland Road and Alves Lane
    • San Marcos Subdivision Unit 9- Located on Santa Teresa Lane
    • Bailey Estates Subdivision– 249 single family homes located off Bailey Road just south of West Leland Road
    • Montreux Subdivision- Single family homes locate on Kirker Pass Road
    • Tuscany Subdivision- Mixed used located on Buchanan Road


    • Civic Tower- An 85,663 sq. ft. commercial building at Power Ave and Railroad Avenue
    • Delta Gateway Expansion- Roadway improvements and additional commercial sites near Century Boulevard
    • Marine Express- Site development located on East 3rd Street
    • La Aurora Market- 6,758 sq. ft. mixed use building at 308 West 10th Street
    • Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad- New track and bridge over crossing on Solari Street south of 10th Street
    • Columbia Solar Energy Development- Located on Pittsburg Antioch Highway
    • Wes Pack Energy-Located on West 10th Street

    Friday, May 24, 2013

    EAST COUNTY Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp - Update #01

    Posted:  24 May 13


    This wonderful summer season opportunity just got better.  Today, I spoke with Ms. Alma Berow, of the ECBGC.  

    • She informed me that, so far, around 50 people have signed up out of a total of 160 openings
    • Their original application deadline of May 15, as announced on the City of Pittsburg website, has been relaxed -- applications will now be accepted until seats are filled.
    • They mean to exclude no one who is eligible to attend, due to the cut-off target, which was meant to aid orderly administration.

    David Nelson

    East County Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp - Updated

    Three Sessions Available - Register Now

    1.  The East County Boys and Girls Club is taking reservations now for Summer Day Camp.

    2.  The day camp for kids runs in three sessions: June 17-28, July 1-26 and July 29-August 9, and includes sports, field trips, swimming, a carnival and more

    3.  Scholarships are available for students of the Pittsburg Unified School District.

    4.  Programs run from 
    • 9 a.m. to noon OR 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in June, 
    • 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. OR 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in July, and 
    • 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in August.
    4.  Registration is open until seats are filled (but please hurry) at the East County Boys and Girls Club, 1001 Stoneman Avenue, in Pittsburg.

    5.  Weekly rates range from $35 per week to $80 per week for full day camp in July and August. See the schedule and registration form on the attached flyer.

    Contact information:
    East County Boys and Girls Club,
    1001 Stoneman Ave, Pittsburg or 925-439-5933

     ECB&GC Summer click on link for flyer & registration form

    MEMORIAL DAY 2013 -- Flags, Proclamations, Meaning, Events

    Posted:  24 May 13

    Inscribed at the Tomb of the Unknowns, in the nation's capitol, are the eternal words: 



    • To enhance public understanding of and appreciation for this national holiday
    • To publicize the proper procedures for handling the US flag during this occasion (half-staff sunrise till noon)
    • To provide helpful links to commemorative events, locally and nationally
    • To present the annual Presidential Proclamation message for Memorial Day 2013

    General References:
    1. Tomb of the Unknowns, 3rd US Army Infantry Regiment, "The Old Guard"
    2. Tomb of the Unknowns, Wikipedia discussion
    3. American Legion, "Flag at half-staff notification," dtd 24 May 13 (excerpted below)
    4. The Citizen's Flag Alliance
    5. Memorial Day Flag Etiquette
    6. Presidential Proclamation, Presidential Actions, The White House  (also included below)
    7. Memorial Day 2013, Google search
    8. Memorial Day, Wikipedia discussion
    9. Why is the national ensign half-staffed only till noon on this day?

    Events -- National and Local: 
    1. National Memorials Online, Google search (Note: Messages left at Vietnam Virtual Memorial Walls can often reach families that may be unreachable, otherwise)
    2. National Events, Google search
    3. California Events, Google search
    4. SFBA Events, Google search
    5. Contra Costa County Events, Google search
    6. Pittsburg Memorial Day Commemoration (separate blog post) 

    The American Legion

    Still Serving America


    Flag at half-staff

    In accordance with Flag Code section 7(m) the United States flag is to be displayed at half-staff until noon on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2013.
    - - - - - - -
    Since our Nation's earliest days, America has been blessed with an unbroken chain of patriots who have served our country with honor and distinction. From Concord to the Korengal, generations of brave warriors have fought for freedom across sand and snow, over mud and mountains, into lonely deserts and through crowded streets. Today, we pay tribute to those patriots who never came back -- who fought for a home to which they never returned, and died for a country whose gratitude they will always have.
    Scripture teaches us that "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." On Memorial Day, we remember those we have lost not only for what they fought for, but who they were: proud Americans, often far too young, guided by deep and abiding love for their families, for each other, and for this country. Our debt to them is one we can never fully repay. But we can honor their sacrifice and strive to be a Nation equal to their example. On this and every day, we must meet our obligations to families of the fallen; we must uphold our sacred trust with our veterans, our service members, and their loved ones.
    Above all, we can honor those we have lost by living up to the ideals they died defending. It is our charge to preserve liberty, to advance justice, and to sow the seeds of peace. With courage and devotion worthy of the heroes we remember today, let us rededicate ourselves to those unending tasks, and prove once more that America's best days are still ahead. Let us pray the souls of those who died in war rest in eternal peace, and let us keep them and their families close in our hearts, now and forever.
    In honor of all of our fallen service members, the Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 11, 1950, as amended (36 U.S.C. 116), has requested the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe each Memorial Day as a day of prayer for permanent peace and designating a period on that day when the people of the United States might unite in prayer. The Congress, by Public Law 106-579, has also designated 3:00 p.m. local time on that day as a time for all Americans to observe, in their own way, the National Moment of Remembrance.
    NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Memorial Day, May 27, 2013, as a day of prayer for permanent peace, and I designate the hour beginning in each locality at 11:00 a.m. of that day as a time to unite in prayer. I also ask all Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance beginning at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day.
    I request the Governors of the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff until noon on this Memorial Day on all buildings, grounds, and naval vessels throughout the United States and in all areas under its jurisdiction and control. I also request the people of the United States to display the flag at half-staff from their homes for the customary forenoon period.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.

    David Nelson
    (It's a very tough job, but it will always be done -- because that's just the way we are!)

    All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent:  You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

    Disabled Veterans: The Most Sacred Sacrifice a Nation Can Ask

    Posted:  27 May 13

    DAV Donation Masthead

    Dear David,

    Memorial Day, is a day set aside to honor those who answered our nations call and made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our freedom!

    memorial day

    It's the most sacred sacrifice a nation can ask … the call for one of our young troops to give risk itself in defense of our freedom.

    You and I made our own sacrifices in our country's service, but both of us stand in awe of those who gave their lives.

    I've always seen DAV membership as one way to salute our fallen by reaching out to those who served at their sides but came home sick and injured.

    As Memorial Day dawns, your membership will make a difference – not only in your own life, but in the lives of your fellow veterans in their darkest hours of need.

    Many in our country seldom think of the sacrifices our heroes make. But you are a veteran who made your own sacrifices. You will never forget.

    Today, hold the spirit of Memorial Day in your heart.

    • Wear a patriotic article of clothing on this special day.
    • Fly Old Glory in front of your home.
    • Attend a patriotic event.
    • You might even want to decorate the graves of our fallen heroes.
    For yourself, for your family, for your fellow veterans, sign up for DAV membership now!

    To Honor the Fallen,

    Arthur H. Wilson
    National Adjutant
    Disabled American Veterans
    Copyright © DAV, All Rights Reserved. DAV is a tax-exempt organization, and all contributions are tax-deductible according to IRS regulation.

    Thursday, May 23, 2013

    Senator Boxer: Honoring America's Fallen Heroes

    Posted:  24 May 13

    US Senator Barbara Boxer
    News from Barbara  Boxer, United States Senator from California
    May 24, 2013
    Dear Friend:

    Every Memorial Day, we honor the military men and women who throughout our history have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to America.  We remember these brave service members who courageously risked their own lives to selflessly serve our nation and defend our freedom.

    Across the country, flags will be lowered and raised in memory of our fallen heroes, and Americans will mark the day with memorials, parades, and private reflection.

    As we remember those who served our country and their families this Memorial Day, their dedication and selflessness should inspire us every day of the year. This Memorial Day offers us all an opportunity to thank those who gave their lives for our country by remembering and reflecting on that extraordinary legacy.

    Barbara Boxer
    United States Senator

    To respond to this message, please click here.  This link will take you to a webpage where you can reply to messages that you receive from Senator Boxer’s office.
    Tell a Friend

    Yes, please periodically send me e-mail updates.*

    Click Here

    *By subscribing to my
    e-mail updates, you are authorizing me to send regular e-mail updates from my office to your e-mail account.

    Tuesday, May 21, 2013


    Posted:  21 May 13

    Ref:  Councilmember Ben Johnson's Facebook page


    MONDAY MAY 27TH at 10:00AM

    Location: Veterans Memorial, City of Pittsburg,Ca, Harbor St. (In front of Small World Park)

    United Veterans Council of Pittsburg CA: Members of American Legion Post 151, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 154 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars 1868, invite you to be part of our annual ceremony to Memorialize those who lost their lives in combat in all the wars and conflicts.

    The ceremony will be at the Veteran's Memorial where the Tank is located on Harbor St. in front of Small World Park.

    Thank you all for your support for veterans.
    If you have any questions you can contact Ben Johnson on his cell 925-759-3444.

    Councilmember Ben Johnson
    Pittsburg City Council

    Ordinance to CURB UNDERAGE DRINKING - Delayed

    Posted:  21 May 13

    Pittsburg Council delays action on ordinance to help curb underage drinking

    By Eve Mitchell, Contra Costa Times [original article link]
    Posted:   05/20/2013 09:06:17 PM PDT
    Updated:   05/20/2013 09:06:17 PM PDT

    PITTSBURG -- The City Council postponed consideration of an ordinance that would fine parents when underage drinking occurs in the home.

    A draft proposal for the social host ordinance that was up for a first reading at Monday night's meeting was apparently not ready to taken up by the council. It will now be revised and brought back at a later meeting, possibly as early as the council's next scheduled meeting on June 17.

    The proposal is modeled after one that applies in unincorporated Contra Costa County that calls for adults who either provide alcohol or allow it to be consumed in the home or on other private property by three or more underage drinkers to be subject to a fine of up to $1,000, six months in the county jail, or both.

    Those punishments will still apply when the revised proposal comes back to the council.  In sending the draft proposal back for additional review, the council hopes for a stronger ordinance that will include ways for police to recover costs associated with having such an ordinance on the books.

    The cities of Berkeley, Clayton, Concord, Pleasanton and San Ramon already have social host ordinances that are meant to hold parents accountable for underage drinking.

    Such ordinances are viewed as a tool to help discourage underage drinking that can lead to unfortunate incidents such as automobile accidents, fighting and sexual assaults.

    Nationwide, underage drinking is directly involved annually in the deaths of about 5,000 youths under the age of 21, and is linked to two-thirds of all sexual assaults, including date rape, according to the California State PTA.

    Contact Eve Mitchell at 925-779-7189. Follow her on

    Monday, May 20, 2013

    Pittsburg Considers NEW PARK in Heart of OLD TOWN (Update #01)

    Update #01: 20 May 13


    At tonight's City Council meeting, City Manager Sbranti asked to remove this item (#22) from the Consent Calendar.  He wishes to invest enough time to employ a multi-step process to maximize the community's opportunities to sound off on the development of such a long-term resource as the pending "Old Town Park." The Council concurred.

    This will occur by methodical citizen outreach through neighborhoods and individuals; through SPECIAL MEETINGS to be held for this purpose; and through the Community Advisory Commission (CAC) -- before finalizing things with the Council.  Stand by -- more to follow.

    The two public speakers on this item were Messrs. Paul Flores, Pittsburg Historical Society, and Harry York, CEO of the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce -- both of whom favored the concept, added helpful background, and raised other important points which will factor in the future public discussions.

    Mr. Sbranti went on to propose (with Council concurrence) using some of the Parkland Dedication Fee Funds for "City Park" enhancements (the park near City Center) -- $10,000 to finish the new basketball court; addition of energy-efficient LED lights; and installation of bleachers for event spectators.

    By the way, a list of City parks is provided on the official website at this link.

    End of update #01

    Original Post:  17 May 13

    -- for decades to come!!

    1.  The City Council has a packed agenda to consider at Monday's regular meeting (5/20/13).  Among the important matters being reviewed is the following:

    Adoption of a Resolution Allocating
    Parkland Dedication Fee Funds for 
    Various Parks Projects

    [Section 1.B]  "Staff recommends re-allocation of $1,450,000 to close out three completed projects, reduce budgets for two current projects and approve a new project, Old Town Park with an approved project budget of $1,250,000, for an updated FY 2013/14 Parks Capital Improvement Program and Expenditure Plan."

    2.  City Manager Joe Sbranti alluded to this exciting plan at the regular Neighborhood Meeting (as I recall) which he, his staff, and the School District conducted on May 7 -- with Mayor Nancy Parent in attendance.  The next neighborhood meeting is on June 1.  

    • A beautiful park, right next to Old Town Plaza (where the Farmers Market holds court -- the park would be in the adjacent lot behind the Plaza)  
    • What a fantastic idea!  
    • What synergy this will yield when combined with the other downtown developments and neighborhoods
    • What problems it solves for the use of that prime land  
    • What years of pleasure and community pride this promises
    • How incredibly useful for conducting and growing larger events
    • What an enhancement for the Seafood Festival
    • How hospitable for visitors and residents, alike
    • How stimulating to the well-being of the entire City and larger area
    • What opportunities this opens -- yet unimaged!

    4.  Mr. Sbranti reminded that you can write the Council and/or attend Monday's 5/20 City Council meeting to voice your opinions -- which matter a great deal.  Here is contact information for the Council.

    Personally, I humbly urge fellow citizens to support this initiative -- unless you have even better ideas.  Of course, all views are important and we all need to hear them -- so that the collective wisdom "can do its thing."




    David Nelson

    Friday, May 17, 2013

    La Veranda - 2nd Annual Golf Tournament - 6/9/Sun/ 10:00 am

    Posted:  17 May 13

    La Veranda - 2nd Annual Golf Tournament
    (La Veranda is one of Downtown Pittsburg's premier restaurants)

    Proceeds to Benefit

    4th of July 
    Family Festival!!

    (For background on the evolution of Pittsburg's 4 July plans, please click here)

    City of Pittsburg: CITY COUNCIL MEETING -- 5/20/Mon/ 7 to 10 pm

    Posted:  17 May 13

    Please visit the City Website and review the agenda at this link.

    City of Pittsburg: CITY COUNCIL MEETING -- 6/3/Mon/ 7 to 10 pm

    Posted:  17 May 13

    Please visit the City Website at this link.

    City of Pittsburg: OVERSIGHT BOARD MEETING -- 6/3/Mon/ 8 to 9 am

    Posted:  17 May 13

    Please visit the City Website at this link.

    City of Pittsburg: BUDGET WORKSHOP -- 5/20/Mon/ 5:30 to 6:00 PM

    Posted:  17 May 13

    Please visit the City Website at this link.

    Thursday, May 16, 2013


    Posted:  16 May 13

    Ref:  Councilmember Ben Johnson's Facebook page


    I will continue to re-post this event information weekly on my [Ben Johnson's] Facebook page. I have asked the City to also post this information in the newspaper and on our reader boards to get as much exposure as possible. I would also ask each of you to re-post my Facebook comment to your own Facebook pages [and do whatever else you can to help spread the word]

    This will add much to summer fun in Pittsburg. 
    I invite you to enjoy, celebrate, and support some of the City's delights!

    Ben Johnson,
    Council Member
    Pittsburg City Council

    City of Pittsburg
    65 Civic Avenue
    Pittsburg, CA 94565-3814

    [6+ things you might like to know]

    Press Contact: 
    • Culinary Crawl, Kolette Simonton (925) 252-4021
    • Car Show, Rosemary Tumbaga (925) 252-6981

    PITTSBURG, CA – The City of Pittsburg is pleased to announce its 2013 Summer Event Schedule (paragraph 4, below).  This year will highlight downtown restaurants, car shows, and the Independence Day Fireworks Display Celebration...

    Pittsburg’s Old Town Events (summer season) covers Thursday nights, from June 20th through September 26th, and includes:

    1.  The Culinary Crawl  [Brand New Event!]

    ===> Flyer at this link
    • A walking tour that showcases ALL SIX Old Town restaurants by offering participants appetizing samples from each of them -- [every other Thursday, alternating with the car shows]
    • with music and fun at a different host restaurant each "Crawling Thursday."
    • The family-friendly event begins at 5:00 pm at the Railroad Avenue Book Depot
    • The price is an amazing $5.00 per person per evening -- to sample and fill up on the delicacies to be readily found in Old town.  
    • To maximize this great deal, don't miss a single Thursday Crawl. [there are only going to be SIX of them -- what an interesting coincidence! -- smile]

    2. The Pittsburg Car Show [Updated tradition!]
    • Remains one of the most attended car shows in the region, featuring live performances and other entertainment. 
    • Car Shows begin at 5:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm. 
    • Car shows are every other Thursday, alternating with the Culinary Crawls -- SEVEN total car shows.
    For Exhibitors Only
    • The fee for exhibiting cars will now be $10 (but still FREE to the general public) -- to help defray City costs [fair is fair]
    • All cars will need to be in their parked positions by 6:00 p.m. 
    • Exhibitors must not leave the show until it is over (for liability purposes)

    3. The Independence Day Fireworks Display Celebration [A Rescued Event, click here]
    • Sponsored by the City of Pittsburg’s "Waterfront Department and its industrial tenants."
    • Come have dinner at one of the Old Town restaurants, 
    • Then walk to the Pittsburg Marina to watch the fireworks, at dusk.

    4.  2013 Pittsburg Summer Event Schedule

    20-JunCulinary Crawl
    27-JunCar Show
    11-JulCar Show
    18-JulCulinary Crawl
    25-JulCar Show
    1-AugCulinary Crawl
    8-AugCar Show
    15-AugCulinary Crawl
    22-AugCar Show
    29-AugCulinary Crawl
    5-SepNo event due to Seafood Festival Preparation
    12-SepCar Show
    19-SepCulinary Crawl
    26-SepCar Show

    5.  Don't forget the Pittsburg Farmer's Market

    • Saturdays
    • 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, 
    • May 4, 2013 to October 26, 2013 (except Seafood Festival Saturday 9/7)

    6.  The Seafood Festival 2013* will be held on Saturday and Sunday, 7 and 8 September.

    Tuesday, May 14, 2013


    Posted:  14 May 13

    1. American Legion, "Flag at half-staff notification," dtd 13 May 13
    2. Presidential Proclamation, Presidential Actions, The White House  (also included below)
    3. Police Officers Memorial Day 2013, Google search
    4. Police Officers Memorial Day, Wikipedia discussion
    5. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, Wikipedia discussion
    6. The Police, Heroism, And the Last Full Measure of Devotion, Tribute to fallen California Police Officers
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    The American Legion

    Still Serving America

    •   E M A I L   N O T I F I C A T I O N  •


    Flag at half-staff

    In accordance with Flag Code section 7(m) the United States flag is to be displayed at half-staff for the entire day in honor of Peace Officers Memorial Day, Wednesday, May 15, 2013.


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    Day after day, police officers in every corner of America suit up, put on the badge, and carry out their sworn duty to protect and serve. They step out the door every morning without considering bravery or heroics. They stay focused on meeting their responsibilities. They concentrate on keeping their neighborhoods safe and doing right by their fellow officers. And with quiet courage, they help fulfill the demanding yet vital task of shielding our people from harm. It is work that deserves our deepest respect -- because when darkness and danger would threaten the peace, our police officers are there to step in, ready to lay down their lives to protect our own.

    This week, we pay solemn tribute to men and women who did. Setting aside fear and doubt, these officers made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the rule of law and the communities they loved. They heard the call to serve and answered it; braved the line of fire; charged toward the danger. Our hearts are heavy with their loss, and on Peace Officers Memorial Day, our Nation comes together to reflect on the legacy they left us.

    As we mark this occasion, let us remember that we can do no greater service to those who perished than by upholding what they fought to protect. That means doing everything we can to make our communities safer. It means putting cops back on the beat and supporting them with the tools and training they need. It means getting weapons of war off our streets and keeping guns out of the hands of criminals -- common-sense measures that would reduce gun violence and help officers do their job safely and effectively.

    Together, we can accomplish those goals. So as we take this time to honor law enforcement in big cities and small towns all across our country, let us join them in pursuit of a brighter tomorrow. Our police officers serve and sacrifice on our behalf every day, and as citizens, we owe them nothing less than our full and lasting support.

    By a joint resolution approved October 1, 1962, as amended (76 Stat. 676), and by Public Law 103-322, as amended (36 U.S.C. 136-137), the President has been authorized and requested to designate May 15 of each year as "Peace Officers Memorial Day" and the week in which it falls as "Police Week."

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 15, 2013, as Peace Officers Memorial Day and May 12 through May 18, 2013, as Police Week. I call upon all Americans to observe these events with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also call on Governors of the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, officials of the other territories subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff on Peace Officers Memorial Day. I further encourage all Americans to display the flag at half-staff from their homes and businesses on that day.

    I have hereunto set my hand this
    tenth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, 
    and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.