Monday, February 20, 2012



To:      Blog Readers
From:  Blog Administrator

Subj:  Clarification of TWO vehicular laws and avoidance of nasty fines


1.  At the November Neighborhood Improvement Team (NIT) Meeting for my particular Neighborhood "District,"  (the entire Pittsburg waterfront), the following came up.  
  • Re:  Pittsburg-Antioch Highway, heading east, at the Loveridge Road right-turn.
  • Problem:  Traffic backups, at the long-duration stoplight, often create the temptation to use the wide shoulder to make the Loveridge right-turn more quickly.
  • Answer:  Officer Callahan stressed that this is a road-shoulder, though admittedly wide, and using it as a short-cut must be treated as a violation, by PPD.  They write an average of about 15 tickets per day there!  City Manager Sbranti added that they are aware of this annoying situation but, for various insurmountable reasons, no relief is near at hand.
  • A Suggestion:  A neighbor suggested addition of a "bike lane" on the PA Highway.  The City Manager thought this was an excellent suggestion and intends to look into it.

2.  Today, I also noticed, in the Pittsburg section of the Contra Costa Times (paper version):
  • Re:  Parking in one's own (or any other) driveway
  • Problem:  Parked vehicles must not obstruct sidewalks, even slightly.  A $55 fine is at risk.  Free use of sidewalks must not be impeded -- considering wheelchair-bound and grouped passers-by.

Is anyone else aware of things we should know about on this topic?  Feel free to comment below.  Thanks.

Decian Publius

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