The Pittsburg City Council elected a new mayor Monday night, as Ben Johnson took up the gavel from outgoing mayor Will Casey.
The unanimous council vote came with no objections and nothing but praise and congratulations from the crowd of about 40 people who attended the City Hall meeting.
Johnson, who served this year as vice mayor, said city staff and council members need to continue working well together, so that "as a team, together, we will need to make positive decisions this year to make sure our city is viewed as a city that wants new business and jobs for our community."
The highest priority for the coming year will be keeping the budget in balance by increasing revenues and reducing city expenses, Johnson said.
Attending the meeting to congratulate Johnson were county Supervisor Federal Glover, Antioch council member Gary Agopian and Concord Vice Mayor Ron Leone, who is expected to take the mayor job in Concord on Tuesday night.